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Housing (Portsmouth)

Volume 112: debated on Tuesday 17 March 1987

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asked the Secretary of State for the Environment what information he has as to how many empty council houses there are in the ownership of Portsmouth city council at the latest available date.

Information on the council's housing stock within the city boundaries, including the number vacant. is contained in its HIP return, which is in the Library. For the total vacant, including overspill housing, the hon. Member should refer to the council's chief executive.

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment what information he has on the proportion of the money allocated to the Housing Corporation in the coming year to be given to Portsmouth.

Allocations to particular local authority areas are a matter for the Housing Corporation. I understand that it has now allocated about 5 per cent. of the resources for new projects in its west region to schemes providing homes for rent and for sale in Portsmouth.