asked the Secretary of State for Social Services when he intends to reply to the application for a grant from the organisation Streetwise; and what research has been undertaken by his Department into homelessness and the extent to which the AIDS virus is being spread by male prostitutes.
A preliminary discussion has taken place with Streetwise and a further meeting with officials has been arranged to discuss their grant application. The Department is not supporting any research into the extent to which the AIDS virus is being spread by male prostitutes.The following studies into homelessness have been funded by the Department:
Homeless newcomers to London 1974–1976
Evaluation of the Great Chapel Street Medical Centre 1978–1981
Evaluation of the Plymouth Night Shelter 1982–1985
In progress
Evaluation of pilot schemes for the delivery of primary health care to the homeless.
asked the Secretary of State for Social Services if, in future publicity about AIDS, he will emphasise that condoms are available free at family planning clinics.
I shall let the hon. Member have a reply as soon as possible.
asked the Secretary of State for Social Services if he will take steps to allow patients infected by the human immuno deficiency virus from blood products manufactured by the National Health Service protein fractionation centre in Edinburgh to claim compensation.
I have been asked to reply.There is no scheme to compensate those who allegedly suffer adverse effects as a result of medical treatment. Negligence established by the courts is the basis of liability for most medical injuries; and compensation may be awarded by the courts in cases where negligence has been proved.