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Cancer (West Cumbria)

Volume 112: debated on Wednesday 18 March 1987

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asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what is the latest position in implementing recommendation five of the report of the independent advisory group chaired by Sir Douglas Black which investigated the possible increased incidence of cancer in West Cumbria.

The Government have reached agreement in principle with the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine that we should establish there a small area statistics unit of which Professor Geoffrey Rose should be honorary director. The following terms of reference have been proposed far the unit."On behalf of the Government:

  • (i) to study available statistics in order to detect any unusual incidence of disease as early as possible and, where appropriate, to investigate;
  • (ii) to examine quickly reports (formal and informal) of unusual clusters of disease in the neighbourhood of industrial installations and advise authoritatively as soon as possible;
  • (iii) in collaboration with relevant bodies build up reliable background information on the distribution of disease amongst small areas so that specific clusters can be placed in proper context;
  • (iv) to develop the methodology for analysing and interpreting statistics relating to small areas."
  • The work of the unit will be guided by a steering committee drawn from those Government Departments in the United Kingdom responsible for health and environmental questions, the Health and Safety Executive and independent experts.

    It is expected that the details of the contract with the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine will be finalised soon and the unit will start work in the early part of the next financial year.