asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science when he received the report of the inquiry carried out into "Preparation for Parenthood in the Secondary School Curriculum" conducted for his Department by the University of Aston; what was the total cost to the Government of that inquiry; what were its recommendations; which of those recommendations have so far been implemented; and if he will make a statement.
In September 1983 the Department received the report of this commissioned research project, which was funded by grant totalling £128,778 over the period 1979–83. The report included a number of wide-ranging recommendations aimed at improving parenthood education in secondary schools; most of these were addressed to local education authorities, schools and teacher training institutions. So far as the Department is concerned, account has been taken where appropriate of the recommendations in Her Majesty's inspectorate's discussion document on "Health Education from 5 to 16". The Education (No. 2) Act 1986 now requires that any sex education given in schools shall encourage pupils to have due regard to moral considerations and the value of family life. The Act will also transfer control over the content and organisation of sex education to the new school governing bodies with greater parental and local community representation; and governing bodies will have an increased say over other parts of the school curriculum.