asked the Secretary of State for the Environment whether he will list the organisations that have responded to his Department's document entitled "Protecting the Countryside: the Government's Consultation Proposals for Landscape Conservation Orders", and if he will make a statement about the responses received.
[pursuant to his reply, 23 March 19871: Consultees were invited to submit comments by 6 March. The following organisations have responded:
- Association of County Councils
- Association of District Councils
- Association of Drainage Authorities
- Association of National Park Officers
- Beautiful Britain
- British Horse Society
- British Waterways Board
- Broads Authority
- Broads Society
- Central Council of Physical Recreation
- Chiltern Society
- Civil Trust
- Council for Environmental Conservation
- Council for the Protection of Rural England
- Council on Tribunals
- County Landowners Association
- Countryside Commission
- Crown Estate Commissioners
- Cumbria County Council
- Dartmoor National Park Committee
- Dartmoor Preservation Association
- Duchy of Lancaster
- Exmoor National Park Committee
- London Boroughs Association
- National Caving Association
- Natural Environment Research Council
- National Trust
- National Farmers' Union
- Nature Conservancy Council
- North Yorkshire Moors Association
- North York Moors National Park
- Open Spaces Society
- Ramblers Association
- Royal Automobile Club
- Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors
- Royal Society for Nature Conservation
- Royal Society for the Protection of Birds
- Royal Town Planning Institute
- Timber Growers UK Ltd.
- Water Companies Association
- Yorkshire Dales National Park Committee
- Yorkshire Dales Society
In addition, comments have been received from seven individuals. My colleagues in the Welsh and Scottish Offices have received 12 responses. With the agreement of the respondents, I have arranged for copies of some responses to be made available for inspection in the Library of the House today. I shall give very careful consideration to all of the points raised in the responses, before announcing how the Government intend to proceed.