asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (1) if he will make it his policy to resist any attempts to impose rectified concentrated grape must in the production of English wine until such time as enrichment is necessary and permitted;(2) if he will make it his policy to ensure that only English-produced sugar and not rectified concentrated grape must from Italy is permitted to be added to the fermentation process of English wine until such time as enrichment is necessary or permitted;(3) if he will consider making grants available for the establishment of English vineyards for
(a) the purchase of vines, (b) their support, (c) trellissing, (d) wiring and (e) windbreaks;
(4) what grants are currently available for the establishment of English vineyards and ancillary purposes in the light of his alternative land use policy;
(5) what is his policy regarding the manifestation of phylloxera in English vineyards;
(6) if he will abandon his policy of attempted eradication of phylloxera in English vineyards.
I shall reply to my hon. Friend as soon as possible.