asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department if he will list the members of the Nursing Advisory Council set up to advise the head prison nursing services in developing the professional competence of prison hospital officers and nurses.
The members of the advisory committee are Mr. Peter Barker, head of prison nursing services (chairman): Mr. J. K. Berry, hospital chief officer, HM prison Wormwood Scrubs; Mrs. J. Elliott, senior sister, HM prison Cookham Wood; Mr. D. Gooderham, English national board; Mr. D. N. Harrison, hospital chief officer, HM prison Wandsworth; Mr. J. Kay, Prison Officers' Association; Mr. A. Lee, chief nursing officer, Park Lane special hospital; Mr. P. Mellor, Royal College of Nursing; Mr. J. Tait, principal nursing officer, Department of Health and Social Security; and Mr. A. Taylor, Prison Officers' Association.