asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department (1) what were the original estimates for each aspect of the installation of the control and command centre at Bramshill police training college; what were the eventual costs of each contract; and which companies completed the works at the college;(2) which companies were awarded contracts in connection with the installation of the control and command centre at Bramshill police training college;(3) what was the initial estimate for the control and command simulation centre at Bramshill police training college.
I assume that the hon. Member has in mind the simulated operations complex which is being constructed at the police staff college, Bramshill to extend the training facilities there. A contract for the construction of the building was initially awarded to W. E. Chivers and Sons Ltd., with the main sub-contracts being awarded to Drake and Scull Ltd. and to Electrical Installations Ltd. The original estimate, at November 1983 prices and subject to variation of price in respect of labour and materials, was £1,771,000 which included £262,500 for mechanical services, £173,775 for electrical services and £200,000 for fees. Subsequently W. E. Chivers and Sons Ltd. was placed in the hands of receivers; the contract with the company was terminated and Drake and Scull Ltd. withdrew. A new contract to complete the construction was awarded to Lovell Construction (Southern) Ltd., and a new sub-contract for mechanical services awarded to Planned Maintenance Engineering Ltd. Payments to W. E. Chivers and Sons Ltd. totalled £271,699 subject to claims for damages. It is not possible to give the final cost of the other contracts because work will not be completed before the end of 1987.