asked the Paymaster General what has been the percentage job placement from the YTS in the Shrewsbury travel-to-work area in the last period for which figures are available.
The information is not available in the form requested.The MSC conducts a regular follow-up survey of YTS leavers. The latest results for the local authority district of Shrewsbury, covering leavers during the period 1 April 1986 to 31 September 1986, show that some three months after leaving 63 per cent. were in full-time employment; 5 per cent. were in part-time employment; 3 per cent. Were on a full-time course; 9 per cent. were on another YTS scheme; 4 per cent. were doing something else; and 16 per cent. were unemployed.
asked the Paymaster General if he will announce the numbers currently leaving YTS and going into employment.
The Manpower Services Commission conducts a regular follow-up survey of all YTS leavers. The latest results, covering leavers during the period 1 April 1986 to 31 September 1986, show that some three months after leaving 65 per cent. were in full-time employment; 4 per cent. were in part-time employment; 4 per cent. were on a full-time course at a college or training centre; 5 per cent. were on another YTS scheme; 3 per cent. were doing something else; and 20 per cent. were unemployed.The figures do not total 100 per cent. due to rounding.