asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if, pursuant to his answer of 27 April, Official Report, column 16, the changes in the conditions of employment for foreign domestic helpers in Hong Kong will apply to those helpers already working in the colony.
The revised conditions of employment for foreign domestic helpers will apply to those helpers already working in Hong Kong with the exception of the provision governing wage levels. This will apply only to those renewing existing contracts or entering new ones.
asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will enable oral representations to hr made by the people of Hong Kong in response to the forthcoming Green Paper on the development of representative e government in the territory.
The Hong Kong Government announced on 25 March that an independent survey office will be established to collect, collate and report on the public response to the Green Paper which is soon to be published in Hong Kong. In accordance with its terms of reference, the office will take positive steps to invite and encourage as wide a public response as possible. The people of Hong Kong will be able to express their views to the office through a wide variety of channels.
asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what is the minimum level of remuneration for foreign domestic helpers in Hong Kong; and if he will make a statement.
Following an announcement by the Hong Kong Government on 16 April, the lowest possible wage for foreign domestic helpers entering or renewing contracts will be 2,300 Hong Kong dollars per month. The aim of the Hong Kong Government in announcing these changes is to protect the interests of foreign domestic helpers and their employers, as well as those of local domestic helpers.