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Labour Statistics

Volume 115: debated on Thursday 7 May 1987

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asked the Paymaster General if he will publish figures on the proportion of part-time females paid below £3·20 and £3·40 an hour in April 1986, for all agreements, industries, occupations and age groups, as listed in tables 171, 172, 173 and 174, respectively, of the new earnings survey, 1986, part F.

I am sending the hon. Member the information requested, which is also available in the Library.

asked the Paymaster General if he will publish figures from the 1985 labour force survey showing the percentages of employees aged 16 years and over, by sex, usual hours worked per week and, in the case of women, marital status.

The 1985 labour force survey estimates are shown in the table:

Employees by basic1 usual hours work per week
Great Britain Spring 1985
MenMarried women2Other womenAll persons
HoursPer cent.Per cent.Per cent.Per cent.
61 or more1·70·50·21·1
Employees by whether full1 or part-time2 and age
Great Britain Spring 1985
MenMarried Women3Other WomenMenMarried Women3Other Women
AgePer cent.Per cent.Per cent.Per cent.Per cent.Per cent.
70 and over0·1448·30·42·7
All ages100100100100100100
Total number of employees ('000s)10,8532,5492,2076633,498782
1 Basic usual hours (ie excluding meal breaks and paid and unpaid overtime) of 31 or more per week.
2 Basic usual hours of 30 or less per week.
3 Widowed, divorced, legally separated or single.
4 Sample size too small to provide a reliable estimate.

asked the Paymaster General if he will list the numbers employed in each parliamentary constituency in 1984, on the basis of his results from the labour force survey, showing for each constituency the gains and losses in employees since 1981.

[pursuant to the reply]: I refer the hon. Member to my reply of Tuesday 5 May 1987, at column 332.


Married women

2Other women

All persons


Per cent.

Per cent.

Per cent.

Per cent.

All hours3100·0100·0100·0100·0
Total number of employees (thousands)11,5726,0602,99720,629

1 ie excluding meal breaks and paid and unpaid overtime.

2 widowed, divorced, legally separated or single.

3 includes those who did not state number of hours worked.

asked the Paymaster General what is the present level of recorded unemployment and the number of reported job vacancies in the constituency of East Hampshire.

The following information is in the Library. On 12 March 1987, the number of unemployed claimants in the East Hampshire parliamentary constituency was 2,356. Vacancy figures are not collected separately for the Fleet jobcentre, which covers an area similar to the East Hampshire constituency. However, these figures are included in those for Aldershot jobcentre, where there were 662 unfilled vacancies, excluding vacancies on Government schemes, on 6 March 1987.

asked the Paymaster General if he will publish figures from the 1985 labour force survey, showing separately for full-time and part-time workers, the percentages of employees aged 16 years and over by sex, age group, and in the case of women, marital status.