asked the Secretary of State for Social Services how many and what proportion of pregnant women in England and Wales were given the AFP test for each year since 1978.
This information is not available centrally.
All social security leaflets and claim forms are available from local social security offices and supplies of leaflets can be obtained fro:m the DHSS leaflets unit, PO Box 21, Stanmore, Middlesex HA7 1AY.Of the new leaflets FB6, FB8, FB23, FB27, FB28 and FB29 are also available at main post offices; MA1, SF100 and FB8 at ante-natal clinics; SF200 at registrars of births, deaths and marriages; and FB23 at careers offices.Additionally, copies of social security leaflets are delivered direct to over 7,500 individuals and organisations including libraries, independent advice centres, the National Association of Citizens Advice Bureaux, and social services departments of local authorities.