During 1986–87, the task force committed £750,000 of top-up funds to support projects, funded by the public and private sectors, totalling some £2·25 million. These projects include support for
(a) Positive Action for Training in Housing (PATH), a 12-month training scheme aimed at increasing employment opportunities in business and financial services, including housing management;(b) Jamaica Society Leeds, creating three employment and training programmes in the task force area, including the first employer-led YTS in that area.(c) Community Enterprise Trust, a large project drawing together the private sector, local community, Government Departments and city council. The project involves the acquisition and refurbishment of two buildings to provide a wide range of employment and training opportunities, including enterprise training and starter units.(d) A development fund in partnership with the Yorkshire bank, providing small grants and loans to local businesses.During 1987–88, the task force is working up a number of initiatives which are expected to involve committing some £4·5 million from public and private funds, including around £1·25 million from the task force top-up funds.A principal aim of the task forces is to make it easier for residents in their areas to get jobs. It is not, however, possible to measure total net jobs in the task force areas with any accuracy. Any estimate would not only have to take into account new jobs specifically associated with task force projects, but also jobs associated with business start ups, jobs in firms helped by task force development funds, jobs created in agencies funded by the inner cities initiative and jobs gained by residents as a result of training courses facilitated by the initiative. We have not therefore yet attempted such an overall estimate.