To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Science in what way the proposed student loan scheme will apply to students from other European Economic Community countries attending centres of education in the United Kingdom; what arrangements will be made to recover the loans from such students after they have returned to their home countries; and if he will make a statement.
The rules governing the eligibility of students from the European Community will follow the provisions of the Mandatory Awards Regulations. Students from other member states will be eligible for top-up loans if they are attending relevant courses and satisfy the requirements for ordinary residence within the British Islands. Loans will also be available to students who are British citizens and who do not satisfy the ordinary residence requirements, if their absence resulted from employment, or their parents' employment, elsewhere in the European Community. European Community nationals not meeting the residence requirements will also be eligible if they, or their parents or spouses, can establish worker status under the relevant provisions in EC law. Arrangements will be made for the recovery of outstanding repayments from graduates living overseas. It will be in the interests of all borrowers to repay their loans.