To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry if he has any conveniently available figures for the (a) value and (b) size of his Department's property being renovated by the Property Services Agency and as to how much priority one Department of Trade and Industry property is not being renovated owing to shortage of funds.
:|(a) Department of Trade and Industry occupies approximately 406,000m2 of the Civil Service estate, but figures are not conveniently available for the value of these occupations.
(b) Responsibility for maintenance of the civil estate, under the Property Repayment System (PRS) arrangements, is shared between PSA and Departments. On 24 May 1989, Sir Gordon Manzie, chief executive of PSA, informed the Environment Committee that, at current funding levels, it should be possible to clear the backlog of priority maintenance work on the civil estate as a whole by 1995–96. (HC 403 (1988-89) EV.p.24). There is, however, no readily available information relating the backlog to individual Department occupations.