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Labour Statistics

Volume 168: debated on Wednesday 28 February 1990

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To ask the Secretary of State for Employment (1) if he will estimate from the 1988 labour force survey data (a) the numbers of claimants without paid jobs who wanted full-time jobs, (b) the number who wanted part-time jobs, and (c) the number who had no preference who (i) had not looked for a job in the survey reference week, (ii) had not looked for a job in the last four weeks, (iii) were not available for work within the next two weeks, (iv) (i) and (iii), and (v) (ii) and (iii); and if he will break the estimates down by sex and region;(2) if he will estimate, using 1988 labour force survey data, the number of male and female claimants without paid work not required to be capable and available for suitable work in spring 1988, and whose main reason for not seeking work in the survey reference week was (i) looking after family/home, (ii) long-term sick/disabled, (iii) believed no jobs available, (iv) retired, (v) temporarily sick, on holiday, awaiting results of job applications or waiting to start a job already obtained, (vi) did not want/need work, (vii) studying, (viii) not yet started looking, (ix) other reason/no reply/not applicable and (x) all reasons;(3) if he will estimate, using 1988 labour force survey data, the numbers of male and female claimants without paid work who were required to be capable and available for suitable work in spring 1988.

The available information is given in the following table. It is not possible to provide a reliable analysis of these figures by region. The requirement to be capable and available for suitable work does not apply to the labour force survey.

(i) Not looked for work in reference week

(ii) Not looked for work in last four weeks

(iii) Not available to start work

(iv) Both (i) and (iii)

(v) Both (ii) and (iii)

(b) Would like a part-time job


(c) No preference



Table excludes people who said they would not like a paid job, or would like work as self-employed. Figures are rounded to the nearest ten thousand.

Source: Derived with reference to both the claimant count and the 1988 labour force survey.