To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department what meetings with (a) the Police Federation and (b) senior representatives of the police forces in England and Wales he and his ministerial colleagues have had since 1 September 1989 to discuss police housing allowances.
My right hon. Friend the then Home Secretary met representatives of the staff side of the Police Negotiating Board to discuss this subject on 24 October 1989. My right hon. and learned Friend and my right hon. and noble Friend also met the chairman and secretary of the staff side, and my hon. Friend the Member for Uxbridge (Mr. Shersby), for the same purpose on 17 January this year. The staff side includes members of all police representative organisations including the Police Federation. My right hon. and learned Friend also discussed the matter with the chief constable of Surrey when he accompanied my right hon. Friend the member for Woking (Mr. Onslow) and other hon. and right hon. Friends to a meeting with him on 21 February.
To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department when representatives of the police forces of England and Wales were first informed of his general proposals with regard to the police housing allowance.
Draft regulations giving effect to my right hon. and learned Friend's initial decisions on the Police Negotiating Board's recommendations on police housing allowance were sent to the board for comment on 4 January. All three police staff organisations for England and Wales are represented on the staff side of the board.