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Written Answers

Volume 173: debated on Tuesday 22 May 1990

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Written Answers To Questions

Tuesday 22 May 1990

Civil Service

Racial Equality

To ask the Minister for the Civil Service what plans he has to promote racial equality in the civil service.

I have today introduced a programme for action to strengthen equality of opportunity in the civil service for people of ethnic minority origin. Copies have been placed in the Library.

Overseas Development


To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will detail the total funding by his Department of the Vipyha forestry project in Malawi; and if he will make a statement about its future.

British aid for the Vipyha plantation in Malawi started in the 1950s when the Commonwealth Development Corporation established pilot pine plantations. British Government loans were first made in 1964.Figures for earlier expenditure are not available except at disproportionate cost, but since 1978 almost £3,000,000 in capital aid has been committed, and we have also provided technical and advisory support. The sum of £200,000 for fire-fighting vehicles and equipment was approved in February 1990. The future of the plantation is a matter for the Malawi Government. I understand that a number of possible ways of utilising the timber on a viable and sustainable basis are being considered.


Mine Warfare Training, Ostend

To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what co-operation exists between the Royal Navy and the Belgian navy over the mine warfare training centre at Ostend.

Royal Navy personnel regularly attend courses at the Belgian Navy's Ecole de Guerre des Mines (EGUERMIN) near Ostend. Through our contribution to the NATO infrastructure central fund, the

Cheese imports into the United Kingdom
(000 tonnes)
Country of Export1983198419851986198719881989
Republic of Ireland43485261486244

United Kingdom will provide a share of the costs of the proposed minehunting simulator to be installed at EGUERMIN. We will continue to seek opportunities for co-operation in mine warfare training with our NATO partners wherever practical and beneficial.

Military Exports

To ask the Secretary of State for Defence to which African countries the United Kingdom has exported arms and military equipment since 1979; and what has been the total value of these exports in present-day prices.

It has been the practice of successive Administrations not to publish such detailed information for reasons of commercial confidentiality and national security. However, statistics of United Kingdom defence sales from 1948 to 1989 by broad geographic terms are set out in volume 2 of SDE 90.

Hms Warspite

To ask the Secretary of State for Defence if he will make a statement on the current condition of HMS Warspite and the progress of work on the nuclear reactors of British nuclear-powered submarines.

HMS Warspite is currently undergoing refit. The programme of inspections of our nuclear-powered submarines is continuing.

Agriculture, Fisheries And Food

Environmentally Sensitive Areas

To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food whether his Department has given any consideration to extending payments made to farmers inside environmentally sensitive areas to include farmers operating within national parks generally.

Payments under the environmentally sensitive areas scheme can be made only to farmers within the boundaries of the designated ESAs. I have no plans at present to extend these boundaries, but I will be reviewing the scheme during 1991. A number of the ESAs are in national parks.


To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food how much Irish, French, Belgian, Dutch, German, Swiss and Greek cheese respectively, was imported into the United Kingdom in each year since 1983; what proportion this was of the cheese market in each year; and if he will make a statement.

Country of Export








Federal Republic of Germany16232826273633








Above total as proportion of total United Kingdom domestic uses per cent.29323537323734

1 not separately identified

2 less than 500 tonnes


Bereavement Damages

To ask the Attorney-General how many of the 265 replies he has received to his consultation paper on bereavement damages were in favour of (a) increasing the limit to (i) £5,000 and (ii) £10,000 or (b) leaving the limit unchanged.

All the responses to the consultation are still being evaluated and the Lord Chancellor hopes to make an announcement before the summer recess.

Northern Ireland


To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland where were the number of apprentices in Northern Ireland in (a) engineering, (b) plumbing, (c) joinery and (d)bricklaying, in the years 1987–88, 1988–89 and 1989–90.

[holding answer 21 May 1990]: The number of apprentices registered for training in the specified occupational trades were as follows:

(a) Engineering232306396
(b) Plumbing42104130
(c) Joinery638777933
(d) Bricklaying333461575

To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland how many young people attended each Government training centre in Northern Ireland in 1987–88, and in 1988–89; and what percentage of those from each centre, on completion of their training, went to (a) jobs and (b) self-employment.

[holding answer 21 May 1990]: The table below shows the number of young people trained at the various training centre in Northern Ireland in 1987–88 and 1988–89 and the percentages of such young people who entered employment. There are no figures available for the percentages entering self-employment; as the young people trained at the centres would have completed initial training only in the skills required for apprenticeships etc., it is unlikely that many would have entered self-employment.

Number of young people trained

Percentage entering employment







Boucher road1101355464

Grant Aid

To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland (1) how much grant aid M. Kernan (Compost) Limited of 270 Battleford road, Benburb, Dungannon, received during 1986, 1987, 1988 and 1989;(2) how much grant aid McAnallen Group of Companies of 259 Battleford road, Benburb, Dungannon, received during 1986, 1987, 1988 and 1989;(3) how much grant aid Donnelly Bros. of 201 Killylea road, Caledon, received during 1986, 1987, 1988 and 1989.

[holding answer 17 May 1990]: Grant aid received by these companies in each financial year since April 1985 was as follows:

M. Kernan (Compost) Ltd.McAnallen GroupDonnelly Bros.

National Finance


To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what recent suggestions he has received to encourage saving.

My right hon. Friend the Chancellor has received a number of suggestions on how saving might best be encouraged. This year's Budget included a series of measures to help the small saver, reinforce the habit of savings and further encourage wider share ownership. In addition, he announced an increase in the interest rates paid on some DNS products.

Nuclear Waste

To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what value added tax duty is payable on transactions involving nuclear waste.

Transactions involving nuclear waste are liable to the standard rate of VAT.

To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what excise duty is payable on nuclear waste (a) imported to and (b) exported from the United Kingdom.

Exchange Rate Mechanism

To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer at what level of divergence between United Kingdom inflation and the European average he assesses it would be appropriate for the pound sterling to enter the exchange rate mechanism.

I refer the hon. Member to my right hon. Friend the Chancellor of the Exchequer's evidence to the Treasury and Civil Service Select Committee on the 1990 Budget—questions 304 to 307.

Tax Deferral

To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer how many letters have been received by his Department suggesting the implementation of a tax deferral scheme allowing firms to reinvest their profits for a three-year period.

My right hon. Friend the Chancellor received one such suggestion before his Budget this year; and from time to time he receives letters proposing favourable tax treatment for profits retained in a business.

European Bank For Reconstruction And Development

To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he will make a statement on the establishment of the European bank for reconstruction and development.

The Government warmly welcome the decision to establish the European bank for reconstruction and development in London. It is particularly welcome that London will be the centre of the international effort to help eastern European countries build on the reforms they have made and to assist them in their move to market economies. We shall be working closely with the president designate to ensure that the bank can begin its operations as soon as possible.

Education And Science

Classical Languages

To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Science how many entries were made for A-levels in 1989 in Latin and ancient Greek, respectively; and how many grades A and B in each subject were attained.

The following table shows information for school leavers in England in 1988:

Number of school leavers in 1988
A-level Latin
Achieved grade A0·56
Achieved grade B0·35
A-level Ancient Greek
Achieved grade A0·23
Achieved grade B0·11
Comparable information is not yet available for 1988–89.

School Meals

To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Science what is the average price of a school meal in England and Wales; and if he will make a statement.

The average price of school meals in primary schools in England in October 1988, the latest date for which information is available, was 65p. It is not possible to give a figure for secondary schools as most operate a cash cafeteria system.Information relating to Wales is the responsibility of my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Wales.

To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Science (1) what is the number and percentage of free school meals provided in England and Wales; and if he will make a statement;(2) how many and what percentage of children in England and Wales took school meals in 1989; and if he will make a statement.

In January 1989 the number and percentage of pupils provided with school meals in maintained nursery, primary, secondary and special schools in England are as follows. Information relating to Wales is the responsibility of my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Wales.

Number of pupils provided with free school meals779,131
as a percentage of all pupils on roll11
Total number of pupils taking school meals3,006,710
as a percentage of all pupils on roll43
Local education authorities are empowered to provide at their discretion refreshment and facilities for the consumption of refreshments in the middle of the day for pupils in schools maintained by them. The Social Security Act 1986 requires that pupils whose parents or who themselves are in receipt of income support should receive such provision free of charge.

National Curriculum Council

To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Science what measures have been taken to ensure that practising school teachers are represented among the membership of working groups established by the National Curriculum Council, whether there is a practising school teacher among the membership of each subject working group; and if he will make a statement.

Subject working groups are established by the Secretaries of State for Education and Science and for Wales to advise them on national curriculum attainment targets and programmes of study. Task groups are set up by the National Curriculum Council for specific tasks such as advice on consultation and non-statutory guidance. All past and existing groups of both types have included practising teachers among their members.

School Closures

To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Science (1) how many schools were closed in each of the past five years in the Greenwich education authority area;(2) how many schools were closed in each of the past five years within the constituency of Peterborough.

Greenwich local education authority came into being on 1 April 1990. Information on school closures in Greenwich is not readily available before this date.Information for parliamentary constituencies or other areas within education authorities is not available centrally.

Trade And Industry

Fur Farming

To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry what is the value of (a) domestic sales and (b) exports of furs from factory-farm animals; how many animals he estimates this represents; and if he will make a statement.

Figures relating specifically to factory-farmed furs, or the number of animals involved, are not available. Nor do domestic sales figures distinguish between furs and other animal skins. The total value of United Kingdom exports of all furs in 1989 was £132 million.

Enterprise Initiative

To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry (1) if he will list the companies so far commissioned by Her Majesty's Government to provide professional assistance under the terms of the enterprise initiative;(2) how much the Government have so far spent in the form of direct payments to companies under the terms of the enterprise initiative;(3) how many requests for assistance the Government have received under the terms of the enterprise initiative; and what proportion have enjoyed Government support;(4) if he will list the names of all those companies which have so far received more than

(a) 10, (b) 50 and (c) 100 commissions from the Government under the terms of the enterprise initiative.

Between the launch of the assisted consultancy scheme under the enterprise initiative on 13 January 1988 and 31 March 1990, 47,994 applications were received of which one third had at that date completed their consultancy projects. The Department's contribution to the cost of these projects was £49·9 million. Payments are made via independent scheme contractors to the consultants commissioned to undertake projects, and not directly to the client companies.It is not our practice to provide details of the consultancy firms used by scheme contractors to undertake assisted consultancy projects. This is to avoid the risk of appearing to bestow a form of Government approval or endorsement, to the unfair disadvantage of practices no less competent but which for one reason or another are not associated with the scheme.

Packaging Industry

To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry what percentage of plastic production is now used by the packaging industry.

Bergen Conference

To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry what consideration his Department intends to give to the implications for United Kingdom industry of the results of the Bergen conference on the environment.

My Department will be giving careful consideration to the outcome of the conference and its implications for United Kingdom industry. These will be covered in our day-to-day contacts with industry.

Product Safety

To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry if he will make it his policy to support the European Parliament's amendments to the draft product safety directive at meetings of the Council of Ministers; and if he will make a statement.

The amendments suggested by the European Parliament will of course be taken fully into account during further negotiations on this directive. However, I can give no commitment to supporting their amendments, some of which are directly contrary to the motion supported by the House following the debate on 10 May.


To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry if he will estimate the effect on the competitiveness of the British car industry of the refusal of the French Government to reclaim substantial sums from messrs Renault, as instructed by the European Economic Community Commission; and if he will make a statement.

I understand that the Commission has made a decision on this case only today. I do not know what the considered response of the French Government will be. I will continue to watch the case closely.

Tear Gasr

To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry what requirement there is for sales of tear gas to be notified to his Department.

[holding answer 15 May 1990]: There is no requirement for sales of tear gas to be notified to my Department. It is the practice to require a licence to export tear gas to any destination.

Jordan (Arms Purchases)

To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry what was the cost to the Exchequer of Jordan reneging on payment for equipment supplied by British companies under the £275 million Jordan defence package.

[holding answer 17 May 1990]: I do not expect the Exchequer to incur any losses in connection with defence exports to Jordan.

To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry what support was required from the Export Credit Guarantees Department for the recent arms deals with the Jordanian Government.

[holding answer 17 May 1990]: It has been the practice of successive Governments not to disclose information about individual cases.

National Council For Environmental Waste Policy

To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry what were the responsibilities of his Department in the establishment of the National Council for Environmental Waste Policy in April; and what role his Department will play in the work of the council in future.

[holding answer 21 May 1990]: My Department has had no involvement in the establishment of such a council. However, under its environmental programme, the Department is seeking to promote greater recycling of waste and higher standards of waste management and waste minimisation within business and is always prepared to consider co-operating with other organisations pursuing similar objectives.

Japan (Visit)

To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry if he will place in the Library a copy of his speech in Tokyo to Japanese business men on 14 May.

[holding answer 21 May 1990]: I have placed a copy of my speech at the inward investment seminar in Tokyo on 14 May in the Library of the House.

House Of Commons

Mps' Travel

To ask the Lord President of the Council what was the total payment made on account of Members of Parliament travel during 1989–90, analysed by (a) travel by rail, (b) travel by car and (c) travel by air, with respect to travel within their constituencies, or between London and their constituencies.

Payments made from the House of Commons Members Salaries etc. vote (class XX, vote 20) during 1989–90 in respect of travel by Members between their homes, Westminster and their constituencies and within their constituencies amounted to £5,913,667.The analysis of this cost relating to the method of travel is as follows:

Travel by rail820,827
Travel by car4,374,286
Travel by air718,554

Detailed figures in respect of Members' travel within constituencies or between London and constituencies a re not available and could be obtained only at disproportionate cost.


Contaminated Land

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment (1) when he expects to receive the departmental working party report on the feasibility of establishing registers of contaminated land; whether he will place a copy in the Library; whether he intends the registers to be compulsory or voluntary; and if he will make a statement;(2) whether he will place in the Library a copy of the report by the departmental working group on drawing up registers of contaminated land.

Following receipt of the departmental working party report on 25 April, I announced during the Commons Report stage of the Environmental Protection Bill on 30 April that the Government proposed to introduce an amendment placing a duty upon district councils in England and Wales to compile and maintain registers of potentially contaminating land uses. That amendment is to be tabled in the Lords, following consultation with the local authority associations on the detailed implications and practicalities involved.I have placed a copy of the working party report in the Library.

Genetically Engineered Organisms

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment what representations he has had from Greenpeace in respect of his plans to regulate the release of genetically engineered organisms.

Greenpeace made representations in a letter dated 24 August 1989 in response to the Department's June 1989 consultation paper on proposals for the control of genetically modified organisms which now form part VI of the Environmental Protection Bill currently before Parliament.

Pollution Inspectors

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment how many of Her Majesty's inspectors of pollution are currently responsible for the west midlands area.

There are currently six pollution inspectors in post discharging Her Majesty's inspectorate of pollution regulatory responsibilities in the west midlands area.

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment if he will make a statement on morale within Her Majesty's inspectorate of pollution.

Morale in HMIP is high, and staff are preparing with energy and enthusiasm for integrated pollution control and the other new responsibilities proposed for them under the Environmental Protection Bill.

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment if he will make a statement on staffing levels within Her Majesty's inspectorate of pollution.

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment (1) how far Her Majesty's inspectorate of pollution is below its full staff complement;(2) how many of Her Majesty's inspectorate of pollution inspectors have been appointed as a result of the recent recruitment round.

There are currently 206 staff in post in Her Majesty's inspectorate of pollution, compared with 148 when HMIP was established in April 1987. The staff complement has recently been increased further to 250. HMIP therefore has 44 vacancies within the increased complement. Twenty-five of the vacancies are for professional staff, of which seven are reserved for successful candidates to date from the current recruitment competition. We are continuing to recruit actively to fill the remaining posts.HMIP has also introduced an additional assistant pollution inspector recruitment grade, for candidates with full professional qualifications and at least two years industry experience, who will qualify as pollution inspectors through further training and experience in the inspectorate. This will widen the recruitment for future pollution inspectors, while fully maintaining the present professional standards. The first recruitment competition for APIs is now in progress.

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment if he has made an assessment of staffing and inspection levels within Her Majesty's inspectorate of pollution necessary for the effectiveness of the enforcement powers contained within the Environmental Protection Bill; and if he will make a statement.

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment how many of Her Majesty's inspectorate of pollution inspectors will be required to undertake (a) the writing of IPC (IPR) authorisations under the Environmental Protection Bill, (b) the writing of new Batneec notes under the Environmental Protection Bill and (c) routine site inspections of scheduled processes.

[holding answer 17 May 1990]: I am committed to ensuring that Her Majesty's inspectorate of pollution will effectively discharge its responsibilities and the new duties proposed for it in the Environmental Protection Bill. The level of resources required to accomplish this is kept under continual review.

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment how many of Her Majesty's inspectorate of pollution inspectors are available in the field to undertake inspections of scheduled processes.

[holding answer, 17 May 1990]: There is currently a total of 69 inspectors posted to Her Majesty's inspectorate of pollution's regional field force.

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment whether the proposed inspection rates for Her Majesty's inspectorate of pollution in MINIS 9 and MINIS 10 have been achieved.

[holding answer, 17 May 1990]: Her Majesty's inspectorate of pollution came close to meeting most of the proposals for inspection activity set out in MINIS 10, bettered a number, and did not fully achieve some others. The figures are as follows:

1989–90 PerformanceMINIS 10 Target
Samples taken1,3501,900
Inspection of sewage treatment works545500
Discharge consents issued to water authorities1,302800
Radioactive Substances Inspections:
Nuclear premises259270
Non-nuclear premises606680
Visits to Waste Disposal Authorities1154350
Inspections of major hazardous waste facilities22673100
1 of which 22 programmed
2 50 programmed
3 programmed
A full account of the year's activity will be given in HMIP's MINIS 11 return, which will be published in due course.As I described in the answer I gave today we have recently increased HMIP's complement to 250 posts, and are actively recruiting professional staff to bring the inspectorate up to the increased strength.The MINIS 10 return, available in the Library, reported on achievement of MINIS 9 proposals.

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment what inspection rates are proposed for Her Majesty's inspectorate of pollution in MINIS 11; and what were the proposed rates in MINIS 9 and MINIS 10.

[holding answer 17 May 1990]: The Department's MINIS 11 directorate returns will as usual be published when ministerial colleagues and I have completed consideration of them. The MINIS 9 and 10 returns are available in the Library.

Satellite Tv Dishes

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment what will be the cost to public funds of installing satellite television receiving equipment in the House; and where it will be located.

At the request of the Accommodation and Administration Sub-Committee the Parliamentary Works Office is at present looking into the options for providing satellite television services to the House. It is hoped to provide a report, including costs, before the spring Adjournment.

Local Government Expenditure

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment what proportion of English local authority expenditure is devoted to (a) fulfilment of statutory duties, and (b) discretionary expenditure.

Councillors(Personal Interests)

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment how many dispensations to speak and vote he gave in 1989 to local councillors with personal or pecuniary interests.

In 1989, 1,318 councillors with pecuniary interests were given dispensation to speak and vote.


To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment if he will list the organisations to which he has given (a) an increase in grant and (b) a decrease in grant in 1990–91 compared with 1989–90 under the system of grants to voluntary organisations working in the field of homelessness together with the actual change and percentage change in each case.

School Meals

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment what is the estimated cost of administration to provide school meals; and if he will make a statement.

The cost of administration of school catering is provisionally estimated at £33 million in 1988–89, which is the latest year for which information is available. This estimate excludes any local authority general administration costs recharged to individual services.

Sovereign's Entrance

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment when he expects the work to be carried out to allow the Sovereign's Entrance in the Palace of Westminster to be used for the line of route.

The contract for the work has been let. Subject to the manufacturer achieving the quoted delivery period for the railings, visitors should be able to use the Entrance before the end of June.

Housing Grants

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment (1) what assessment of the impact on the homeless was made prior to his decision to stop section 73 funding to CHAR;(2) what representations he has received about CHAR losing section 73 funding; if he will reconsider this decision; and if he will make a statement.

[holding answer 17 May 1990]: We have increased the resources available for grants to voluntary bodies under section 73 of the Housing Act 1985 from £680,000 in 1989–90 to £2 million for 1990–91. Half that total is allocated to a national homelessness advice service involving citizens advice bureaux, the Shelter Housing Aid Centre and Shelter; half to practical projects providing direct help to homeless people. Twenty-six bodies have been offered grant in respect of specific practical projects. I believe that this approach will provide more direct help to homeless people than the previous use of section 73 funds for core funding voluntary bodies. I have received a number of representations on behalf of CHAR, but I will not raise hopes of further funding this year: all the funds are earmarked.

"Football Spectator Violence"

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment (1) if he will issue copies of the 1984 Government report "Football Spectator Violence", of which his officials were members, to all police forces in the United Kingdom;

(2) if he will (a) reissue his 1984 departmental report, "Football Spectator Violence" published by HMSO, ISBN 0 11 751749 6, and (b) distribute copies to the Football Association and the Football League.

[holding answer 17 May 1990]: The report on football spectator violence was issued in 1984 and copies were sent to the football authorities and the Association of Chief Police Officers among others. One of its recommendations was that high-risk clubs should not play away at major seaside towns on or during public holidays. Following the disgraceful scenes of football hooliganism in Bournemouth on 5 May, my right hon. and learned Friend the Home Secretary has secured an undertaking from the Football League that in future it will give proper regard to a chief constable's assessment of the prospect of disorder when determining fixtures.


To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment, pursuant to his answer to the hon. Member for Sheffield, Brightside (Mr. Blunkett), Official Report, 16 March, column 389, on the gains made by private landlords, if he will make it his policy to set up an inquiry into profits made by landlords in (a) Manchester and (b) England from not reducing rate-inclusive rents by appropriate amounts following the introduction of the poll tax.

Toxic Wastes

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment what dangerous chemicals included on the red list are being deposited in landfill sites in west Yorkshire.

[holding answer 18 May 1990]: Information on deposits of red list substances in landfill sites in west Yorkshire is not held centrally. Consent for such deposits is a matter for the waste disposal authorities concerned acting in consultation with the NRA.

Water Privatisation

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment what was the inflationary factor used when determining the new infrastructure charge limits agreed for the new water companies; and if he will make a statement.

[holding answer 18 May 1990]: In determining the infrastructure charge limits it was assumed that construction costs would move relative to the RPI as follows

Per cent.
1 and subsequent years.
and that the RPI would increase by 5 per cent. in 1990–91. After 1990–91 the limits may increase by the RPI unless they are subject to review by the director general in the context of a review of the general charges limits.

Local Government Finance

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment what would be the cost of permitting married women who do not undertake employment, and have no investment income, to pay only 20 per cent. of the community charge.

[holding answer 21 May 1990]: I refer my hon. Friend to the answer given by my hon. Friend the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, the Member for Southampton, Itchen (Mr. Chope), yesterday to my hon. Friend the Member for Portsmouth, South (Mr. Martin).

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment when he expects to bring forward his alternative proposals for the operation of the poll tax.

We are looking to see whether any improvements could be made to the operation of the community charge. If and when any such improvements are identified they will be announced at the appropriate time.

Conservation, Islay

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment what representations he has received from parties who feel that they have been disadvantaged by the decision to protect Duich Moss on Islay.

I have been asked to reply.No representations have been received since the agreement to protect Duich Moss was announced on 13 May 1989.

Foreign And Commonwealth Affairs

Council Of Europe

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will make a statement on the outcome of the 86th session of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on 10 May.

The 86th session of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe focused on the interest in the Council shown by the countries of central and eastern Europe and on the contribution the Council could make to further progress in the CSCE process. The United Kingdom was represented by my hon. Friend the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs.A copy of the final communiqué of the meeting is being placed in the Library.


To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what information he has on whether the Fijian Government intend to hold a referendum on the basis of one person one vote before accepting any new constitution; what contacts Her Majesty's Government have had with the Fijians on this matter; and if he will make a statement.

We have no information on whether the Fiji Government intend to hold such a referendum. We have had no contacts with the Fiji Government or the Fijians on this matter.


To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will list British embassies according to the grade of the ambassador.

Hong Kong

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs whether he will discuss with the Governor of Hong Kong (a) the conditions and state of health of the Vietnamese refugees confined in each of the camps in Hong Kong, respectively and (b) recent riots in each of the camps in Hong Kong, respectively.

Yes. The best way to improve conditions in the camps and to remove the risk of riots is for those found after status-determination procedures not to be refugees to be returned in safety to their own communities in Vietnam.

Diplomatic Relations

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will give the dates on which diplomatic relations with any member state of the United Nations were severed, indicating in each case whether it was Britain or the country concerned which severed the relations.

Following is the information:

Cases in which the United Kingdom has initiated a break in diplomatic relations with the United Kingdom since 1946
2.Uganda28 July 197621 April 1979
3.Argentina2 April 198219 February 1990
4.Libya30 April 1984
5.Syria31 October 1986
6.Cambodia6 December 1979
Cases in which other countries initiated a break in diplomatic relations with the United Kingdom since 1946
1.Iran1951December 1952
7 March 1989
2.Saudi Arabia17 November 195628 July 1963
3.Yemen16 February 1963December 1967
4.Somali Republic18 March 19634 January 1968
5.GuatemalaReduced to consular level 31 July 1963
Consular relations broken September 1981
Resumed August 1986
Full diplomatic relations resumed December 1986



6.Algeria18 December 196510 April 1968
7.Congo (Brazzaville)16 December 196510 April 1968
8.Ghana16 December 19655 March 1966
9.Guinea15 December 196520 February 1968
10.Mali16 December 196510 April 1968
11.Mauritania17 December 196510 April 1968
12.Sudan18 December 1965 6 June 196716 April 1966 25 January 1968
13.Tanzania15 December 19654 July 1968
14.UAR17 December 1965 195612 December 1967 1959
15.Iraq8 June 1967 1 December 19671 May 1968 resumed by 5 September 1974
16.Syria6 June 196728 May 1973
17.Iceland19 February 19762 June 1976

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will list those countries with which Britain has diplomatic relations but where there is no resident ambassador in the country to which he is accredited, indicating in each case where the ambassador resides.

We have full diplomatic relations on a non-resident basis with the following countries (the country of residence of Her Majesty's ambassador/high commissioner is shown in parentheses after each):

  • Antigua and Barbuda (Barbados)
  • Benin (Nigeria)
  • Burkina (Ivory Coast)
  • Burundi (Zaire)
  • Cape Verde (Senegal)
  • Central African Republic (Cameroon)
  • Chad (London)
  • Comoros (Mauritius)
  • Djibouti (Yemen, North)
  • Commonwealth of Dominica (Barbados)
  • Dominican Republic (Venezuela)
  • El Salvador (Honduras)
  • Equatorial Guinea (Cameroon)
  • Grenada (Barbados)
  • Guinea (Senegal)
  • Guinea-Bissau (Senegal)
  • Haiti (Jamaica)
  • Laos (Thailand)
  • Maldives (Sri Lanka)
  • Mali (Senegal)
  • Mauritania (Senegal)
  • Nauru (Fiji)
  • Nicaragua (Costa Rica)
  • Niger (Ivory Coast)
  • Rwanda (Zaire)
  • St. Kitts, Nevis (Barbados)
  • St. Lucia (Barbados)
  • St. Vincent and The Grenadines (Barbados)
  • Sao Tome (Angola)
  • Surinam (Guyana)
  • Togo (Ghana)
  • Tuvalu (Fiji)
  • Western Samoa (New Zealand)

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will list the member states of the United Nations Organisation with which the United Kingdom does not have diplomatic relations.

The following is the information:

  • Albania
  • Bhutan
  • Cambodia
  • Iran
  • Libya
  • Syria

International Organisations

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will list the international organisations of which Britain is a member, indicating in each case the date of joining, the cost of membership, and the number of British nationals employed by the organisation.

There is no central list of all the international organisations to which the United Kingdom belongs. The information could be assembled only at disproportionate cost.

War Crimes

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will request the Japanese Government to investigate allegations, made by British ex-service men, of war crimes against Kiyoaki Tanara and Shigeyuki Hashimoto; and if he will make a statement.

We have no evidence in our records to support these allegations and do not, therefore, feel justified in raising this matter with the Japanese Government.

Mrs Maroof Jan

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs when a decision is to be taken on the application made to the British high commission in Islamabad by Mrs. Maroof Jan, whose date of birth is 1958, ref. IMM/43953, to enter the United Kingdom.

In accordance with the guidelines on the handling of representations by Members of Parliament in immigration cases, issued to Members on 14 December 1988, I have referred the question to the correspondence unit of the migration and visa department of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. The hon. Member will receive a reply from the unit as soon as possible.

Border Checks

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, pursuant to his reply of 15 May, Official Report, column 380, if he will specify the sections of the debate on inter-community frontiers on 4 May 1989 which set out the border checks on individuals which are to be removed in consequence of the European Economic Community arrangements described in the pamphlet "Europe in the 1990s", issued by his Department.

As stated in my answer on 15 May, c. 380, my right hon. Friend the then Home Secretary set out our position in full in the debate on 4 May 1989. Discussions continue with our partners.

Ec Budget

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, pursuant to his reply of 11 May, what factors have led to the increase in the United Kingdom net contribution to the European Community for 1989 to £2,315 million.

I refer my hon. Friend to paragraphs 23 to 27 of the statement on the 1990 Community budget which was presented to the House on 26 April.

Assize Of European Parliamentarians

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will make a statement on the assize of European parliamentarians comprising 50 per cent. Members of the European Parliament and 50 per cent. national Members of Parliament, scheduled to be held in Italy in the autumn, setting out what knowledge he may have of its status, the terms and conditions under which it is established, how it is to be funded and the authority and standing of any conclusions that it may reach.

We understand that the Italian Chamber of Deputies has agreed to host the meeting with national parliaments in Rome in October which had been advocated by the European Parliament. The European Parliament has not yet made clear what organisational or financial arrangements it proposes. Such a meeting would enjoy no status under the treaty and the authority of any conclusions reached would derive from the support of those present.

Single European Act

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs when he will reply to the report of the Foreign Affairs Committee on the operation of the Single European Act.

We will publish our observations on the report at 1530 hours on 22 May 1990.


Trunk Road Improvements

To ask the Secretary of State for Wales how much has been spent on trunk road improvements in Gwynedd in the last 12 months excluding the A55 expressway.

Estimated expenditure in 1989–90 on new construction and improvement in Gwynedd, excluding the A55 north Wales coast road, is £5·4 million.

Labour Statistics

To ask the Secretary of State for Wales if he will publish in the Official Report a table showing (a) the latest average unemployment rate in development areas in Wales and (b) the unemployment rate on the same date for each travel-to-work area which had an unemployment rate higher than the average for development areas in Wales, denoting which of the areas have in their territory a development area.

The information requested is given in the table:

Per cent.1Status
(a)Average for development areas in Wales7·1
(b) Travel-to-work areas with a higher unemployment rate than the average for the development areas in Wales:
Merthyr and Rhymney9·4DA
Bangor and Caernarfon9·0IA
Blaenau Gwent and Abergavenny8·5DA
South Pembrokeshire8·1DA
Pontypridd and Rhondda7·5DA
1 Workforce-based unemployment rate, per cent., April 1990.
DA denotes development area.
IA denotes intermediate area.

Note: Development areas are defined in terms of "Travel-to-Work areas".

Schools (Spending)

To ask the Secretary of State for Wales what was the total capital spending in Welsh schools in current prices in each year from 1979–80 to 1988–89.

The information requested is given in the following table:

Total capital expenditure on Welsh schools in 1988–89 prices

Source: Capital Outturn Returns.

Further And Higher Education

To ask the Secretary of State for Wales how many school leavers in Wales in total and in percentage terms entered (a) further and (b) higher education in 1979, 1988 and 1989.

The latest available data on the first destination of school leavers are for the academic year 1987–88. They are not however available in the form requested. The following table gives the number and percentages of school leavers entering degree and teacher training courses and other further and higher education.

Number of school leavers with intended destination1:
Degree and teacher training courses3,8503,970
Other further and higher education courses7,0059,620
Leavers' destinations as a percentage of all leavers1:
Degree and teacher training courses910
Other further and higher education courses1524
1 School leavers survey. This is a 10 per cent, sample survey and therefore the data will be subject to sampling error.

North Wales Expressway

To ask the Secretary of State for Wales what is his estimate of the total cost of constructing the north Wales expressway; and if he will publish information on the anticipated traffic volumes on this road, after completion, by category of users.

Total expenditure on dualling the A55 is estimated at around £620 million. Estimates of anticipated traffic volumes for 15 years after opening have been or will be published for each section of the route as part of the evidence put before the public inquiry. Current annual average daily traffic flows on the A55 range between 15,000 and 30,000 vehicles, of which 8 to 10 per cent. are heavy goods vehicles.

Care And Repair Schemes

To ask the Secretary of State for Wales how many care and repair schemes are currently operative in Wales; and if he will make a statement on the future funding of such schemes.

Since March 1987 our Department has helped to establish 15 home improvement agencies in Wales. Ten schemes are funded by our Department under the care and repair agencies initiative and the remaining five from other sources of Welsh Office funding. Two further agencies are operating independently.The performance of home improvement agencies has been monitored over the past three years by the school for advanced urban studies in Bristol and we are currently studying its conclusions. We will decide shortly on the future of existing agencies and their possible further development.

Motor Neurone Disease

To ask the Secretary of State for Wales how much assistance his Department gave by way of grant to the Motor Neurone Disease Association during 1989–90; and if he will make a statement.

Physically Handicapped People

To ask the Secretary of State for Wales if he will publish a table showing, in current money equivalent terms, the spending by social services departments in Wales on services for registered physically handicapped people during 1988–89 and for each of the previous 10 years, together with the number of such people who were beneficiaries of these services in each year and the corresponding average spending per assisted case.

The information available on spending is given in the tables:

Local authority expenditure on physically disabled1
£ million at 1988–89 prices

£ million at 1988–89 prices






1 Excludes expenditure on day care. Data for 1978–79 and 1986–87 are estimated from outturn information shown in the Local Authority Social Services Planning Statements for Wales. These figures may include some expenditure on the elderly.

2 Not available.

3 Information for 1987–88 and 1988–89 was collected on a different basis and is not strictly comparable with earlier years.

Information relating to the receipt of services provided by social services departments is as follows:

Number of residents under the age of 65 supported by local authorities1 2

Cases of assistance provided by Social Services Departments 3 4


1 In local authority, private and voluntary homes. Some of these residents may not be physically disabled.

2 As at 31 March.

3 Telephone rentals, personal equipment, adaptations to property, holidays etc. Information given relates to cases as opposed to beneficiaries (an individual beneficiary may receive more than one case of assistance). Figures quoted include all age groups and relate to assistance provided to both physically disabled people and other client groups.

4 Year ending 31 March.

It is not statistically meaningful to calculate average spending per assisted case because of the differing natures of the various services provided. These services vary from smaller forms of assistance, such as the provision of personal aids, through to the long-term support in residential care.

School Leavers

To ask the Secretary of State for Wales how many school leavers in Wales have entered full-time employment annually in total and percentage terms for each year from 1979.

The numbers and percentages of those school leavers in Wales entering full-time employment are given in the table:

School leavers intending to enter the labour market1
NumberPercentage of all leavers


Percentage of all leavers


1 Including leavers whose destination is unknown.

Source: School Leavers Survey. This is on a 10 per cent. sample and therefore the data will be subject to sampling error.

Hospital Closures

To ask the Secretary of State for Wales what redress there is if a health authority that is counselling the closure of a hospital fails to conform with the provisions of planning paper V, entitled "Procedure for Consultation on the Closure and Change of Use of Health Buildings".

I refer the hon. Gentleman to my reply of 16 May 1990, column 479–80. In addition, it is open to people or bodies who consider that they have not been properly consulted under the terms of service planning paper 5 to make an application to the High Court for a judicial review of the health authority's actions.

Pupil Statistics

To ask the Secretary of State for Wales if he will list the maintained school pupil population in Wales and by local education authority, in separate tables for primary, secondary and all pupils (a) in 1988 and (b) projected for 1995 and 2000.

The information requested is given in the following tables:

Number of pupils in maintained primary schools in Wales (thousands)
Welsh Counties1988–891995–962000–01
Mid Glamorgan54·157·360·7
South Glamorgan36·039·943·1
West Glamorgan36·237·539·1
Male TeachersLEA
Salary ScaleClwydDyfedGwentGwyneddMid GlamPowysS. GlamW. GlamWALES
2nd M&M000020002
Main Scale & E851678219296344408
Main Scale & D19715616379172351551371,094
Main Scale & C141349311717105
Main Scale & B3453043192325331253142872,459
Main Scale & A341861261224138241
Main Scale & None4043905333018091493834333,402
Female TeachersLEA
Salary ScaleClwydDyfedGwentGwyneddMid GlamPowysS. GlamW.GlamWALES
2nd M&M000010001
Main Scale & E105155301111491
Main Scale & D723760246256242364

Welsh Counties





Number of pupils in maintained secondary schools in Wales (thousands)

West Counties




Mid Glamorgan37·537·139·0
South Glamorgan26·627·930·3
West Glamorgan23·223·624·3

Numbers of pupils in all maintained schools in Wales1 (thousands)

Welsh Counties




Mid Glamorgan92·995·8101·1
South Glamorgan63·468·774·3
West Glamorgan59·661·463·6

1 Includes maintained nursery, primary and secondary schools.


To ask the Secretary of State for Wales what is the full-time equivalent number of teachers in Wales and in each Welsh local education authority, by Burnham scale and sex.

The number of teachers receiving incentive allowances at March 1988 is given in the following table.The Burnham scale has been replaced in schools by the school teachers pay and conditions document.

Salary Scale





Mid Glam


S. Glam



Main Scale & C75353204662
Main Scale & B403339345177430753034102,482
Main Scale & A893011046529121121551
Main Scale & None1,1101,2461,5408742,2844571,3651,35310,229

To ask the Secretary of State for Wales, by education authority and for Wales as a whole, what is the number and percentage of teachers by sex with (a) less than one year, (b) one year, (c) two years, (d) three years, (e) four years, (f) five years, (g) six to 10 years,(h) 11 to 15 years and (i) over 16 years teaching experience in their current school.

Teachers in primary schools
Experience in present school1
Local authorityLess than I year (per cent.)1 year (per cent.)2 years (per cent.)3 years (per cent.)4 years (per cent.)5 years (per cent.)6–10 years (per cent.)11–15 years (per cent.)More than 15 years (per cent.)Total (per cent.)Total (thousands)
Mid Glamorgann/an/an/an/an/an/an/an/an/an/an/a
South Glamorgan9·58·712·07·48·714·017·412·010·31000·2
West Glamorgan14·713·56·95·85·83·723·115·011·51000·3
Mid Glamorgann/an/an/an/an/an/an/an/an/an/an/a
South Glamorgan20·98·48·46·94·83·819·015·312·41001·4
West Glamorgan19·88·06·36·06·74·714·318·715·71001·5
1 These figures are based on primary school staffing survey carried out in March 1987. Only 32 per cent, of teachers responded to the survey and thus figures shown are estimates based on grossed data.
2 No data is available for Mid Glamorgan but the Wales totals include an estimate for the county.
n/a=Not available.
Teachers in secondary schools1
Experience in present school
Local authorityLess than 1 year (per cent.)1 year (per cent.)2 years (per cent.)3 years (per cent.)4 years (per cent.)5 years (per cent.)6–10 years (per cent.)11–15 years (per cent.)More than 15 years (per cent.)Total (per cent.)Total (thousands)
Mid Glamorgan5·44·43·62·84·16·421·223·528·51001·3
South Glamorgan6·27·43·94·44·03·817·223·329·91000·8
West Glamorgan5·64·36·17·84·33·319·323·226·31000·8
Mid Glamorgan8·58·75·15·03·86·423·620·118·71001·1
South Glamorgan18·110·17·04·75·64·220·516·912·91000·8
West Glamorgan15·44·97·05·04·64·019·919·919·31000·8
1 These figures are based on secondary school staffing survey carried out in February 1989. Seventy-eight per cent, of teachers responded to the survey and thus figures shown are estimates based on grossed data.

The information requested is available only in the form of estimates produced from the 1987 primary schools staffing survey and the 1989 secondary schools staffing survey, and is provided in the following tables:


To ask the Secretary of State for Wales, pursuant to his answer of 11 January, Official Report, column 724, if he will provide the latest available figures on trainees undergoing employment training and training scheme vacancies by county.

The information requested is shown in the table:

CountyTotal numbers on employment training at 31 March 1990
Mid Glamorgan2,975
South Glamorgan1,975
West Glamorgan2,125
The figures given in my right hon. Friend's reply of 11 January on unfilled places are the latest available.

Urban Aid Grants

To ask the Secretary of State for Wales whether he will make suitable financial arrangements to ensure (a) that successful applicants for urban aid grants in 1990–91 have adequate time to undertake the work set out in their application and (b) that carry-over arrangements arising from this year's late grant decisions are (i) sympathetic to the problems that applicants may have and (b) funded in full by his Department.

Homelessness (Grants)

To ask the Secretary of State for Wales if he will list the organisations to which he has given (a) an increase in grant and (b) a decrease in grant in 1990–91 compared with 1989–90 under the system of grants to voluntary organisations working in the field of homelessness together with the actual change and percentage change in each case; and if he will make a statement.

Our Department has given substantial increases in grant to the three voluntary organisations which tackle homelessness on a strategic level. Not including any supplementary grants given in 1989–90, the figures are as follows:

1989–901990–91DifferencesPer cent, increase
Welsh Womens Aid (WWA)41,83263,286+21,45434
Accommodation for the single homeless (SASH)35,59171,150+35,55950
Further resources have been made available for this financial year specifically for new initiatives by voluntary bodies in helping to tackle homelessness on a strategic level.

River Pollution

To ask the Secretary of State for Wales if he will list the convictions for river pollution in Wales and, in each case, show the contravention, the polluter and the river polluted.


To ask the Secretary of State for Wales if he will make a statement on the marketing of Welsh cheese.

I take every opportunity to urge all Welsh producers to improve the marketing arid presentation of their products. The Welsh Development Agency, through its Welsh food initiative, assists food producers to market their products. "Good Food from Wales", compiled by the Welsh food initiative, includes 28 cheese companies.

Health Authorities

To ask the Secretary of State for Wales what criteria are used by his Department to measure the efficiency of health authorities, and facilities within health authorities in Wales.

I refer the hon. Gentleman to section VI of the "Corporate Management Programme for the Health Service in Wales", a copy of which is in the Library of the House.The corporate management programme is currently being developed to take account of the changes proposed in the White Papers "Working for Patients" and "Caring for People".

General Practitioners

To ask the Secretary of State for Wales how many general practitioners there are in each health district in Wales on the latest available information; and how many registered patients there are in each such area.

The latest available information is given in the following table:

Family Practitioner CommitteeNumber of principals1Registered patients2
Mid Glamorgan295560,040
South Glamorgan226426,692
West Glamorgan194380,580
1 Unrestricted principals as at 1 October 1988
2 Number of patients on lists of unrestricted principals for whom the FPC was responsible.

Registered Child Minders

To ask the Secretary of State for Wales how many registered child minders there are in Wales.

The number of registered child minders in Wales as at 31 March 1989 is 3,448.

Health Service (Catering)

To ask the Secretary of State for Wales what was the cost of catering provisions per patient per day in each Welsh health authority in each year since 1979, expressed in cash and constant prices.

The available information is shown in the following table, for 1987–88 and 1988–89. Figures for the years before 1987–88 are not readily available.

actual £constant1 £actual £
East Dyfed1·641·761·50
Mid Glamorgan1·851·981·83
South Glamorgan1·491·601·57
West Glamorgan1·631·751·83
1 Revalued to 1988–89 prices using the GDP deflator.
2 Not available as catering is 'contracted out'.

Cardiff Shooting Range

To ask the Secretary of State for Wales (1) on what date the factories inspectorate was called to visit the national sports centre for Wales; when the visit took place; and what reports were made;(2) on what dates the Health and Safety Executive was called to visit the national sports centre, Cardiff shooting range; for what reasons it visited; and what reports were received.

District health authorities revenue formula shares Resource formula for distribution in Wales
Recurrent allocationResidual allocation (after removal of "protected" services from formula assessment)Formula assessmentOver (-) Under (+) provision relative to formula assessment
£percentage£ millionpercentage
East Dyfed44·31836·21536·6037·87+0·388+0·9
Mid Glamorgan102·48381·54482·58017·75+1·036+10
South Glamorgan117·12378·18678·48916·88+0·303+0·3
West Glamorgan74·38166·87267·84014·59+0·968+1·3
1984–85 prices
East Dyfed47·59838·74838·0297·79-0·719-1·5
Mid Glamorgan108·25085·45584·63917·34-0·816-0·8
South Glamorgan124·12582·60085·12717·45+2·527+2·0
West Glamorgan78·64070·65469·51514·24-1·139-1·4
1985–86 prices

[holding answer 14 May 1990]: Staff of the factory inspectorate, an arm of the Health and Safety Executive, visited the shooting range at the national sports centre, Cardiff on 6 May 1988 and subsequent occasions. The recommendations by the inspectorate and subsequent action taken are matters for the Sports Council for Wales, and I have arranged for the hon. Gentleman's questions to be drawn to the attention of the council.

To ask the Secretary of State for Wales under what circumstances safety inspections of the back plate at the shooting range at the national sports centre for Wales at Cardiff are carried out.

[holding answer 14 May 1990]: This is a matter for the Sports Council for Wales which is responsible for the management of the shooting range at the national sports centre, Cardiff and I have arranged for the hon. Gentleman's question to be drawn to the attention of the council.

District Health Authorities

To ask the Secretary of State for Wales if he will publish in the Official Report a table showing the relative over or underprovision of revenue to each of the nine district health authorities in Wales for the five years 1984–85 to 1989–90 relative to the RAWG formula, expressed in both money terms and as percentage variations.

[holding answer 15 May 1990]: The information requested in respect of the RAWG revenue formula assessments for the years 1984–85 to 1989–90 is as follows:

Recurrent allocation

Residual allocation (after removal of "protected" services from formula assessment)

Formula assessment

Over ( - ) Under ( + ) provision relative to formula assessment



£ million



East Dyfed48·26238·75540·8908·43+2·135+4·4
Mid Glamorgan110·21086·44986·55417·85+0·095+0·1
South Glamorgan126·50777·56179·14516·33+1·584+1·3
West Glamorgan10·38570·81067·84714·00-2·963-3·7

1986–87 prices


East Dyfed51·39741·31442·5938·37+1·279-2·5
Mid Glamorgan117·09791·85791·07717·89-0·780-0·7
South Glamorgan134·53581·42480·41315·80-1·011-0·8
West Glamorgan86·68473·75871·73914·10-2·019-2·3

1986–87 prices


East Dyfed55·64144·36545·8968·44+1·531+2·8
Mid Glamorgan124·94998·18498·46518·11+0·281+0·2
South Glamorgan144·11386·78784·74115·59-2·046-1·4
West Glamorgan92·39078·77675·64613·91-3·130-3·4

1987–88 prices


East Dyfed65·44452·10553·8028·63+1·697+2·6
Mid Glamorgan143·180111·655113·15318·15+1·498+1·0
South Glamorgan164·85698·77696·19615·43-2·580-1·6
West Glamorgan105·57089·80586·53313·88-3·272-3·1

1988–89 prices

Note: Formula assessments taking into account all outstanding funding for this revenue costs of new hospital development.

It should be noted that the authorities' target percentage formula shares have changed over time as a result of demographic changes and also changes to the structure of the formula.

It should also be noted that the assessments are made before the determination of revenue provision for the years in question and therefore each assessment is based on allocations in the year immediately preceding that for which the assessment is made. The assessments are then taken into account in determining allocations for the years in question via the distribution of such funding as is made

available for equalisation purposes. This is shown in the following tables which express initial revenue allocations for the years in question in terms of distance from the percentage formula targets given in the previous tables and thus show the impact of equalisation funding in reducing the range of difference from target as between authorities.

Resource formula for distribution in Wales

District health authority

Recurrent allocation

Residual allocation (after removal of "protected" services from formula assessment)

Formula assessment

Over ( - ) Under ( + ) provision relative to formula assessment



£ million



East Dyfed44·81636·71337·0237·88+0·310+0·7
Mid Glamorgan103·15982·22083·45117·75+1·231+1·2
South Glamorgan118·02479·08779·31716·87+0·230+0·2
West Glamorgan75·01567·50668·55614·59-1·050+1·4

1984–85 prices


East Dyfed47·90439·05438·7557·80-0·299-0·6
Mid Glamorgan110·18287·38786·12817·35-1·259-1·1
South Glamorgan125·88684·36186·62317·44+2·262+1·8
West Glamorgan80·13472·14870·73914·24-1·409-1·8

1985–86 prices


East Dyfed51·23941·30443·4008·44+2·096+4·1
Mid Glamorgan116·47791·64791·81717·85+0·170+0·1
South Glamorgan133·57882·42983·97216·32+1·543+1·2
West Glamorgan85·61575·60971·98514·00-3·624-4·2

1986–87 prices


East Dyfed54·55544·40845·8498·38+1·441+2·6
Mid Glamorgan124·40198·21497·93117·89-0·283-0·2
South Glamorgan142·74288·53786·46415·80-2·073-1·5
West Glamorgan92·04878·65377·13714·10-1·516-1·6

1987–88 prices


East Dyfed59·75949·48650·6998·60+1·213+2·0
Mid Glamorgan134·733106·044106·58618·08+0·542+0·4
South Glamorgan154·98693·93191·73015·56-2·201-1·4
West Glamorgan99·34984·68781·88513·89-2·802-2·8

1988–90 prices

East Dyfed68·87255·37656·0438·63+0·667+1·0

District health authority

Recurrent allocation

Residual allocation (after removal of "protected" services from formula assessment)

Formula assessment

Over ( - ) Under ( + ) provision relative to formula assessment



£ million


Mid Glamorgan148·905116·411117·86615·15+1·455+1·0
South Glamorgan170·561101·081100·20215·43-0·879-0·5
West Glamorgan109·59093·28990·13713·88-3·152-2·9

1989–90 prices

Note: Formula assessment taking into account all outstanding funding for this revenue cost of new capital development.

Crown Offices

To ask the Secretary of State for Wales how many Crown offices in Wales have been (a) closed and (b) regraded following the setting up of the franchising programme for the Post Office counter business.

I have been asked to reply.I understand that no Crown offices have been closed in the Principality, and that 14 Crown offices have been regraded as part of the Post Office's network conversion programme.

Prime Minister

Local Government Finance


To ask the Prime Minister what progress is being made with the Government's review of the operation of the community charge.

The Government are taking into account the various suggestions which have been made on the operation of the community charge and will announce the results of the review in due course.

German Unification


To ask the Prime Minister if she will raise at the next meeting of the European Council the cost to member states of the reunification of Germany within the European Economic Community; and if she will make a statement.

This matter was considered at the informal summit on 28 April about which I informed the House on 1 May. The financial effects of the integration into the Economic Community of the territory which is now the German Democratic Republic are inevitably uncertain, given the lack of any reliable economic statistics for the German Democratic Republic, the unknown timing of unification, and the inevitable unreliability of present estimates of the likely effect on the German Democratic Republic economy of (a) German economic and monetary union this summer and (b) unification, and hence Economic Community entry, next year or later.

Welsh Office

To ask the Prime Minister if she will appoint an additional Parliamentary Under-Secretary in the Welsh Office.

No. I am satisfied that my right hon. Friend has a very experienced ministerial team well able to cover the full range of its responsibilities.


To ask the Prime Minister if she will list her official engagements for Tuesday 22 May.

To ask the Prime Minister if she will list her official engagements for Tuesday 22 May.

To ask the Prime Minister if she will list her official engagements for Tuesday 22 May.

To ask the Prime Minister if she will list her official engagements for Tuesday 22 May.

To ask the Prime Minister if she will list her official engagements for Tuesday 22 May.

To ask the Prime Minister if she will list her official engagements for Tuesday 22 May.

This morning I had meetings with ministerial colleagues and others. In addition to my duties in this House. I shall be having further meetings later today. This evening I hope to have an Audience of Her Majesty the Queen.


To ask the Prime Minister what was the total cost of the Prime Minister's advisers who were not career civil servants for each year since 1981, expressed in real terms.

[holding answer 21 May 1996]: The expenditure on my advisers who are not career civil servants for each year since 1981, expressed in real terms, is as follows:





Social Security

Income Support

To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security how many people are currently on income support in Ealing; what was the comparable figure five years ago; what percentage of the population this represents in each case; and if he will make a statement.

The London borough of Ealing is served by Ealing district office but the boundaries are not conterminous. From 4 February 1990 Ealing district office took responsibility for income support work previously undertaken by the Department's local offices at Acton, Ealing, Notting Hill and Southall. The comparable figures for the district office area are as follows:

Number of supplementary benefit/income support claimants1
February 198547,855
February 199037,039

1 Source: 100 per cent. count of cases in action which include a number where payment has ceased but other action is continuing. Data for February 1990 is provisional and subject to amendment.

Data on the total population by DSS office area are unavailable.

Benefits, Northamptonshire

To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security if he will publish in the Official Report the number of people presently receiving and the estimated

YearGross average weekly earnings + family allowance/child benefit £Net income after deducting tax and NI contribution £Standard rate of unemployment benefit + family allowance/child benefit £Net income as percentage of earnings + family allowance/ child benefit Per cent.Benefit as percentage of net income Per cent.
(a) Married couple with 2 children
October 197240·6032·5015·1080·046·5
November 1982172·30124·2052·7572·142·5
April 1987238·50177·5065·3574·436·8
April 1989284·00213·4070·6075·133·1
(b) Single person (family allowance/child benefit does not apply)
October 197239·7028·806·7572·523·4
November 1982160·60107·4025·0066·923·3
April 1987224·00155·9031·4569·620·2
April 1989269·50191·3034·7071·018·1

Note: Figures taken from the Abstract of Statistics for Index of Retail Prices Average Earnings Social Security Benefits and Contributions, Table 6.1b, except for revised figures for April 1989, which will be published in August 1990.

cost to each local authority in Northamptonshire of (a) housing benefit and (b) income support and housing benefit; and what comparable figures he has for 12 months ago.

Information for the current financial year is not comparable with 1989–90 because rate rebates in housing benefit have been replaced by community charge benefit. A count of the numbers receiving benefits on 31 May 1990 will be taken by local authorities with the result becoming available later in the summer. The local authority initial estimates of 1990–91 total expenditure on housing benefit and community charge benefit are in the table. I refer my hon. Friend to my reply to him on 5 March at col. 527 which gave information for 1989–90.

Housing benefit and community charge benefit Local authority initial expenditure estimates 1990–91
£ million
East Northampton4·0
South Northants2·7

Unemployment Benefit

To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security if he will publish a chart or table showing unemployment benefit as a percentage of average earnings for the years 1972, 1982, 1987 and 1989 (a) for a worker with two children and (b) for a single worker tabulated against equivalent figures in each case for European Community countries.

The information for Great Britain is shown in the table. Equivalent information for other European Community countries is not available.

Home Department

Overseas Voters

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department if he will list the actual expenditure per head of British citizens on advertising the rights of overseas voters under the Representation of the People Act 1989, for each overseas country, in 1989–90; if he will give a detailed breakdown of expenditure in South Africa by press, television and radio; and if he will give the apportionment of expenditure in South Africa by ethnic grouping.