To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what steps he is taking to ensure that the use of veterinary products that are likely to affect the wider environment, whether licensed or not, are recorded, regulated and monitored; and if he will make a statement.
All veterinary medicinal products must be licensed under the Medicines Act. They are assessed for safety, quality and efficacy before any licence is issued. The likely impact on the environment is taken into account by independent scientific experts on the Veterinary Products Committee as part of that assessment process. My Department is currently carrying out a review to ensure that all licensed veterinary medicinal products meet up-to-date standards. Any person who causes or knowingly permits veterinary products to pollute any controlled waters is liable to prosecution by the National Rivers Authority under the Water Act 1989. Under the Animals and Fresh Meat (Examination for Residues) Regulations 1988 farmers must keep records of medicines administered to animals and these are subject to checks by members of the state veterinary service.