[MR. SPEAKER in the Chair]
Private Business
Associated British Ports (No 2) Bill ( By Order)
Order for consideration of Lords amendments read.
To be considered on Thursday 21 June.
Birmingham City Council (No 2) Bill ( By Order)
Order read for resuming adjourned debate on Question proposed [26 February],
That the Bill be now considered.
Debate, further adjourned till Thursday 21 June.
British Railways (No 2) Bill (By Order)
Medway Tunnel Bill Lords (By Order)
Orders for consideration, as amended, read.
To be considered on Thursday 21 June.
As the remaining Bills set down for Second Reading have blocking motions, with the leave of the House I shall put them as a single group.
Cattewater Reclamation Bill (By Order)
Shard Bridge Bill (By Order)
Vale Of Glamorgan (Barry Harbour) Bill Lords (By Order)
London Underground Bill (By Order)
Orders for Second Reading read.
To be read a Second time on Thursday 21 June.
Exmouth Docks Bill (By Order)
Order read for resuming adjourned debate on Question proposed [29 March],
That the Bill be now read a Second time.
Debate further adjourned till Thursday 21 June.
Great Yarmouth Port Authority Bill Lords (By Order)
Heathrow Express Railways Bill Lords (By Order)
Order for Second Reading read.
To be read a Second time on Thursday 21 June.
London Regional Transport (Penalty Fares) Bill (By Order)
Order read for resuming adjourned debate on Question proposed [10 May],
That the Bill be now read a Second time.
Debate further adjourned till Thursday 21 June
Southampton Rapid Transit Bill Lords (By Order)
Port Of Tyne Bill Lords (By Order)
Orders for Second Reading read.
To be read a Second time on Thursday 21 June.