To ask the Secretary of State for Energy (1) what steps are being taken to prevent a recurrence of the incident that took place at Bradwell nuclear power station on 30 March or any of the other Magnox stations; and if he will make a statement;(2) what was the quantity of carbon dioxide released during the incident at Bradwell nuclear power station on 30 March; to what extent this gas was radioactively contaminated; and if he will make a statement;(3) what was the source of the carbon dioxide that was released during the incident at Bradwell nuclear power station on 30 March; and if he will make a statement.
The quantity of carbon dioxide which was released from the leak in the reactor's gas circuit was estimated to be no more than 250 kg and was well within operating limits. No radioactive contamination was detected as a result of the incident.The source of the leak was traced to an incorrectly set valve in the gas circuit blowdown room, which is a closed area containing equipment for reducing reactor pressure. The leak was isolated and the carbon dioxide was cleared from the area.Nuclear Electric has taken corrective action to prevent a recurrence by tightening control procedures. The investigation into the incident is almost complete and the results will be made known to the Health and Safety Executive's nuclear installations inspectorate.