To ask the Secretary of State for Wales what public funds have been made available towards the cost of a regional freight terminal linking Welsh industry and commerce with the channel tunnel.
No specific amount has been set aside for freight terminals. British Rail is proposing to spend over £1 billion to enable freight and passenger services to be in place when the tunnel opens. This includes expenditure on freight terminals. British Rail is currently negotiating to obtain the best commercial deals on terminals in partnership with the private sector.
To ask the Secretary of State for Wales what consultations he has undertaken on the demand for a regional freight terminal in south Wales to link with the channel tunnel.
None. This is a matter for British Rail, which has identified south Wales as a possible location for a major terminal for channel tunnel freight services.
To ask the Secretary of State for Wales if he will make an assessment of the demand in Wales for regional freight terminals to link with the channel tunnel.
No. British Rail has already assessed the demand in Wales for freight terminals in drawing up its published plan for channel tunnel services. It is now up to businesses in Wales to consider their requirements and make these known to British Rail.