To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security at what level of net income full community charge becomes payable at (a) £310, (b) £320, (c) £325, (d) £345, (e) £355, (f) £360, (g) £385, (h) £390, (i) £415, (j) £420, (k) £430, (l) £435 and (m) £440 for a (i) single person aged under 25 years, (ii) single person aged over 25 years, (iii) single person aged 60 to 75 years, (iv) single person 75 to 80 years, (v) single person over 80 years, (vi) married couple with no children, (vii) married couple with two children under 11 years, (viii) married couple with one child under 11 years and one 11 to 15 years, (ix) pensioner couple aged under 75 years, (x) lone parent with one child under 11 years and (xi) lone parent with two children under 11 years.
The information requested is shown in the tables.since 1979 in Wales; and what proportion of residents received supplementary benefit for each year since 1979 in Wales.
Information in the form requested is not available.