To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland what powers he intends to use to protect the health of people in Scottish cities from the effects of nitrogen dioxide.
There is no evidence that the present levels of nitrogen dioxide pose a health hazard to people in Scottish cities.
Measurements of nitrogen dioxide made at some 50 different locations in Scotland gave no cause for concern. The relevant EC directive on air quality standards for nitrogen dioxide specifies the limits and the results from the directive monitoring site in Glasgow have been below these limits.
Powers to reduce emissions of nitrogen dioxide from motor vehicles rests with my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Transport. His plans for the reduction of emissions are contained in the written answer given by my hon. Friend the Under-Secretary of State for Transport on 8 June, Official Report, Vol. 173, column 722.
My right hon. and learned Friend the Secretary of State for Scotland is responsible for emissions from prescribed industrial plant and for implementing the EC large combustion plants directive which requires, inter alia, that emissions of nitrogen dioxide be reduced overall by 15 per cent. and 30 per cent. by 1993 and 1988 respectively, taking 1980 as the base year.
To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland what powers he has to reduce the volume of urban traffic in Scottish cities; and whether he intends to take steps to reduce the concentrations of nitrogen dioxide in city centres.
My right hon. and learned Friend the Secretary of State for Scotland has no such powers. Responsibility for traffic management matters for local roads in Scotland rests with regional and islands councils as local roads authorities.Plans for the reduction of nitrogen dioxide emissions from motor vehicles are contained in the written answer given by my hon. Friend the Under-Secretary of State for Transport on 8 June 1990,
Official Report, Volume 173, column 722.
To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland what powers he has to reduce emissions of nitrogen dioxide from industry where these contribute to a level in air which exceeds the limit laid down by the EC directive on nitrogen dioxide.
Under the provisions of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, Her Majesty's industrial pollution inspectorate is responsible for ensuring that the best practicable means are taken by operators of prescribed classes of industrial premises to prevent the emission of substances such as nitrogen dioxide and to render such emissions as may occur harmless and inoffensive.