To ask the Secretary of State for Wales whether he will issue instructions to the nine health authorities to suspend all closure proposals for geriatric and mental handicap and mental illness hospitals, pending the full implementation in April 1993 of his care in the community proposals.
Such closures take place now, and I see no reason why they should not continue in the usual planned way.
To ask the Secretary of State for Wales what consultations with the chairmen of the health authorities in Wales he proposes on geriatric care hospitals, pursuant to his written answer of 18 July on social care and related health services.
It is for health authorities and local authorities to liaise to ensure proper integration in the delivery of their services.
To ask the Secretary of State for Wales what consultations he now proposes with (a) the director of social services, (b) the voluntary agencies representing carers and the elderly and (c) the nursing and medical professions. pursuant to his written answer of 18 July on social care aid related health services.
The well-established arrangements for consultation with all appropriate agencies will continue.
To ask the Secretary of State for Wales what additional consultation procedures he proposes arising from his written answer of 18 July on the introduction of full care in the community to deal with closure proposals for hospitals housing the elderly.
The well-established arrangements for consultation with all appropriate bodies will continue.
To ask the Secretary of State for Wales whether he now proposes to meet the Welsh Counties Committee regarding the delayed implementation of the care in the community proposals.
Our officials have written to the Assembly of Welsh Counties, as the former committee is now known, on this matter.