To ask the Prime Minister which cabinet committees have responsibilities which include policy and/or co-ordination of policy on matters relating to children and young people under 18 years.
Policy issues requiring co-ordination are the subject of collective discussion by Ministers as appropriate.
To ask the Prime Minister if she will update the answer of 29 July 1988 she gave to the hon. Member for Eccles (Miss Lestor), Official Report, column 629, on the responsibility of different Government Departments for matters relating to children and young people under 18 years.
Current departmental responsibilities in England are as follows:
Department of Education and Science
Promotion of education, including primary, secondary and further education and the youth service; school curriculum and assessment policy and public examinations.
Department of Employment
Responsibility for training, employment and vocational education initiatives for young people, such as YT, training credits, TVEI, inner city compacts and other educational programmes.
Central responsibility for the careers service in England delivered by the local education authorities.
Department of Environment
Out of school sporting activities for children and young people.
Grants under the Urban Programme for projects benefiting children.
Department of Health
- Health services for children and young people in hospital and in the community, including child health surveillance and dental and school health services.
- Policy for social services for children, prevention of child abuse, adoption, regulation of day care services for under fives (including inspection of facilities).
- Nutrition including infant feeding.
- Care and protection of children.
- Social services for socially deprived families and children in care.
- Care, control and treatment of juvenile delinquents.
Home Office
- Criminal justice policies.
- Arrangements for offenders given custodial sentences.
- Magistrate's court proceedings involving the custody and maintenance of children.
Lord Chancellor's Department
Family law relating to children.
Department of Social Security
Policy on social security benefits affecting children and young people, including benefits for disabled people, unemployment benefits, family credit, child benefit, and one-parent benefit, the social fund, state and occupational pensions, income support and housing benefits.
(payments of benefits is undertaken by the Department and by local authorities. Payment of unemployment benefits is undertaken by the Department of Employment on an agency basis).
In Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, some of the functions are carried out by the Departments listed; others or their equivalents are, subject to appropriate legislation, performed by the Welsh, Scottish and Northern Ireland Offices.
Further breakdown by departmental divisions would be possible only at disproportionate cost.
To ask the Prime Minister what formal arrangements exist for co-ordinating policy among the Departments involved on matters relating to children and young people under 18 years of age.
There are official interdepartmental co-ordinating committees concerning children and young people on juvenile delinquency, child abuse and services for pre-school children. Issues concerning children arise at other interdepartmental committees.There is an interdepartmental group on Women's issues whose discussions involve a variety of subjects of particular interest to women. These discussions have also included various aspects of child care.