To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment what policy instruments he proposes to use to encourage more recycling of waste.
The Environmental Protection Act 1990 sets a framework designed to promote recycling. The new duty of care on disposers of waste will increase the standards required in disposing of waste by landfill. The Act requires all local authorities involved in waste disposal and collection to give priority to recycling, wherever practicable, in their plans: and allows authorities to specify environmentally friendly options for waste disposal, such as recycling, even if they are not the cheapest in financial terms. The Act also requires local authorities to pay recycling credits and those involved in waste collection to produce recycling plans.
The White Paper on the environment "This Common Inheritance" sets out a number of measures that we will be pursuing to ensure successful recycling. We will be pressing industry to increase both the recycling of materials and the use of recycled material; encouraging retailers to provide collection facilities for recyclable material for their customers; and persuading industry to expand its capacity to process reclaimed material.
In his autumn statement the Chancellor announced that £40 million in supplementary credit approvals will be available over the next three years to enable local authorities to invest in facilities and equipment needed to set up effective recycling schemes.
The White Paper was printed on recycled paper and my Department is setting an example in its use of recycled paper for all ministerial correspondence and for photocopying.