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Nature Conservancy Council

Volume 180: debated on Wednesday 14 November 1990

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To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment by how much funding for the Nature Conservancy Council has increased since 1979; and what level of funding is proposed for the council in the coming financial year.

Grant in aid to the Nature Conservancy Council (NCC) has risen from £7·9 million in 1979–80 to £44·819 million in 1990–91. Funding for the NCC's successor body in England, the Nature Conservancy Council for England, has been set provisionally at £32·411 million for 1991–92, with £1·05 million allocated to the NCC's residuary body. Provision of £1·093 million has been made for the transfer of the NCC's pension liabilities to my Department. Allocations for the Nature Conservancy Council for Scotland and the Countryside Council for Wales have not yet been announced.