To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland if he will take account of the draft European Community directives on the incineration of hazardous wastes when considering the current application by Cleveland Fuels Ltd. for a licence for the incineration of waste residues at Renfrew.
I understand that the draft directive on the incineration of hazardous wastes is at an early stage in its preparation. I shall however take note of the current proposals when considering the application by Cleveland Fuels Ltd. for registration as an incineration works.
To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland if he will consider prevailing levels of atmospheric pollution locally when considering the application by Cleveland Fuels Ltd. for a certificate of registration for the incineration of waste residues at Renfrew.
I understand from Glasgow district council that recent measurements of sulphur ioxide in parts of its district, close to the site of the incinerator proposed by Cleveland Fuels Ltd., show average levels appreciably higher than would be expected from data currently available from the national survey of smoke and sulphur dioxide. I shall consider this point further when setting limits on the discharge of sulphur dioxide from the proposed plant.
To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland if, when he considers the application by Cleveland Fuels Ltd. for a certificate of registration for the incineration of waste residues at Renfrew, he will take account of the formulation used for the pollution assessment contained within the application.
Two different approaches, both of which gave acceptable results, were used by Cleveland Fuels Ltd. to assess the environmental impact of its emissions.Her Majesty's industrial pollution inspectorate will however carry out its own assessments before determining the appropriate content of the certificate of registration for the company.
To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland if, when considering the application by Cleveland Fuels Ltd. for a certificate of registration for the incineration of waste residues at Renfrew, he has taken account of (a) the nature of the feedstock and (b) the description of the nature of the feedstock provided in the application.
Cleveland Fuels Ltd. has provided a generic description of the fuel it intends to use, specified primarily by maximum pollutant content and to a lesser extent by source. In assessing its application for registration I will not only take account of this description but also give consideration to such other likely characteristics of the waste as may give rise to nuisance. The company will be required to provide such equipment and to carry out such tests as are necessary to minimise their impact on the local environment.
To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland if, when considering the application by Cleveland Fuels Ltd. for a certificate of registration for the incineration of waste residues at Renfrew, he will take any steps to force the company to fulfil the undertaking given in the application that it would operate an open door policy.
I have been assured by the company that it wishes to be as open as possible with the local population and to discuss with them any difficulties occasioned by the operation of the plant. If the proposal proceeds, Her Majesty's industrial pollution inspectorate will actively encourage the development of good working relationships between the company and its neighbours.
To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland if he will give a breakdown of the representations he received in connection with Cleveland Fuels Ltd.'s application for a licence including (a) the names of those organisations and individuals making representations and (b) how many supported and how many opposed the proposed development.
Her Majesty's industrial pollution inspectorate has received nine representations directly, one of which included a petition, as a result of the public advertisement by Cleveland Fuels Ltd. of its application for registration as an incineration works. There has also been one letter from a Member of Parliament about the application. All were opposed to the development.Respondents were not however advised that their names and affiliations may be made public. I must honour the implied confidentiality and cannot therefore list: them as requested.