To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry how many licences for the export of armoured vehicles, aircraft and other military equipment to Liberia were granted in 1989; what level of underwriting by the Export Credits Guarantee Department of the sale of such equipment was approved; and if he will make a statement.
[holding answer 12 November 1990]: Two individual export licences for military equipment were issued for Liberia in 1989.ECGD has been unable to identify any credit underwritten by the Department in 1989 in respect of the export of military equipment to Liberia.
To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry under what guidelines the Export Credits Guarantee Department operated on the granting of cover for the former regime in Liberia; and if he will make a statement.
[holding answer 13 November 1990]: ECGD cover has been and remains available for exports to Liberia on short-term credit—up to 180 days—where payment is secured by irrevocable letters of credit from acceptable banks.No support for medium-term credit has been available since 1980 except for the sale of ships where payment is wholly secured from outside Liberia. No such ships business has, however, been undertaken during the past five years.