To ask the Attorney-General what the latest available annual figures are for (a) how much was spent on legal aid for asylum and immigration advice, (b) what proportion the above amount represents in terms of the entire legal aid budget, (c) what proportion of the above amount involved less than two hours advice and (d) what proportion of the above amount involved more than two hours advice.
Separate information is not available for the cost of legal advice for immigration or asylum cases. However, £2,652,727 was paid under the legal aid green form scheme for all immigration and nationality advice and assistance in the financial year 1990–91. This represented approximately 0.4 per cent. of the total payments made out of the legal aid fund during that period, or 3 per cent. of the total spent on the legal aid green form scheme. Information is not available on the proportion of payments for work involving more or less than two hours advice. Legal aid is also available for judicial review proceedings concerning immigration and asylum cases, but separate figures for the amount spent are not available.