To ask the Secretary of State for Wales (1) how many people in Wales have not paid the poll tax for the year 1990–91;(2) how many people have paid the poll tax for the year 1990–91.
The information requested is not available centrally.
To ask the Secretary of State for Wales (1) what is the percentage of arrears for the last financial year for the poll tax in Wales;(2) what is the amount of cash outstanding from non-payment of the poll tax in Wales in the last financial year.
At 31 March 1991, local authorities reported that arrears of community charges in Wales were £49 million; around 12 per cent. of the full amount due—a collection rate of 88 per cent. Local authorities have continued to recover 1990–91 arrears, but precise figures are not available because of the difficulty of distinguishing between the payment of arrears and the payment of 1991–92 charges. Local authorities have estimated that they expect to collect some 94 per cent. of the full amount of the 1990–91 charges—100 per cent. of the amount they had budgeted to collect.