To ask the Secretary of State for Defence (1) what discussions his Department has held with the Department of Transport about achieving more effective utilisation of the facilities at RAF Northolt;(2) what discussions his Department has held with business aircraft operators about the use of private sector investment to modernise and maintain the facilities at RAF Northolt;(3) what proposals he has received for the establishment of a civil aviation enclave at RAF Northolt;(4) what studies his Department has made into what savings in the running costs of RAF Northolt could be achieved by increased co-operation with business aircraft operators.
RAF Northolt is already very effectively utilised for military aviation, and further military use is likely to be made of it as a result of our plans for defence in the nineties. Officials from my Department and the Department of Transport have recently concluded a study into the scope for future civil aviation use of RAF Northolt. Civil aircraft are already allowed to use the airfield, when military requirements permit, and make a contribution towards the cost of the runway and air traffic control facilities through payment of landing and navigation fees. The possibility of establishing a civil enclave, about which a number of representations have been received, was included in the study and the findings are currently under consideration. My noble Friend the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for the Armed Forces will write to the hon. Member when these deliberations are complete.