To ask the Secretary of State for Transport if, pursuant to his announcement of 9 October concerning the route of the high-speed channel tunnel railway, he will list those locations, other than Ashford, Stratford, and King's Cross to which Her Majesty's Government assign developmental significance.
Identifying development opportunities, and how the rail link might contribute to their realisation, will form an important part of British Rail's work in the coming months in defining the route of the rail link, its connections and stations.
To ask the Secretary of State for Transport if, consequent to his announcement of an extended timetable for the construction of a fast rail link to London from the channel tunnel, he will provide funding to enable the British Railways Board to quadruple rail tracks between Ashford International and Tonbridge and to construct related high-speed flyovers at that junction.
As my right hon. and learned Friend said in his statement on 14 October, overall the choice of the preferred route will not have any material effect on when the new line might come into operation. British Rail has not suggested that these works are needed.
To ask the Secretary of State for Transport if he will now table a White or Green Paper concerning the Government's policy for the funding of the Channel high-speed rail link on his preferred route.
No. My right hon. and learned Friend explained the Government's policy in his statement on 14 October.