To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food whether he intends to introduce legislation in the United Kingdom to implement the United Nations resolution 44/225 on banning large-scale drift nets.
No present drift netting in the United Kingdom is covered by United Nations resolution 44/225. The United Kingdom Government strongly support the resolution which would prevent the use of large scale drift nets in all high seas areas from mid 1992 unless sound management procedures are in place. However, the Government wish to go further than this, and have therefore backed the European Commission's proposal which would prevent the development of large scale drift netting by any EC vessel, not only on the high seas, but in the adjacent waters within fishery limits. With 85 boats from several different EC member states, against the few from the United Kingdom, being involved in the fishery which would be affected by the Commission's proposal, it is clear that decisions must be made on a common EC basis, not unilaterally.
To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food further to his answer to the hon. Member for South Shields on 23 July, what is the role of his observer on the Cornish fishing trip in respect of giving advice to the skippers of the vessels about the use of large-scale drift nets.
None of the nets used on the Cornish fishing trips were large scale drift nets, which have done so much harm when used indiscriminately in the south Pacific. The role of the MAFF observers was to provide reports on the new fishing operation. The fishermen themselves voluntarily limited the length of their nets.