To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry if he will make a statement on the export of leg irons, leg cuffs and similar devices manufactured in the United Kingdom.
The export of leg irons, shackles—excluding handcuffs—and gang chains is subject to control under the Export of Goods (Control) Order 1989 and requires an export licence from my Department.In the light of recent publicity I have reviewed the Government's long-standing policy of not issuing licences for these items and I can confirm that this will remain the policy.I am advised that exports have taken place of "oversized handcuffs" and linking chains. I have sought advice from the police scientific development branch of the Home Department about the definition of "handcuff". I have decided that in future in determining whether goods are handcuffs for the purposes of export control my Department will use the US National Institute of Justice standard 0307·01. This standard defines the maximum length of two cuffs and connecting chain as 240 mm. This standard would bring "oversized handcuffs" under control. The only United Kingdom exporter is being advised.