To ask the Secretary of State for Health (l) what specific guidelines have been issued by the Department of Health on the matter of female circumcision being practised on young girls;(2) if he will fund a publicity campaign to warn of the dangers of female circumcision of children.
Interdepartmental guidance on new arrangements for inter-agency working to protect children from abuse under the Children Act 1989 was issued on 14 October. This document, "Working Together", a copy of which is available in the Library, reminds authorities of the effect of the Prohibition of Female Circumcision Act 1985, and gives guidance that where there is reason to believe a child is likely to suffer significant harm as a result of female circumcision local
to nationwide average manufacturers' prices: the majority of opticians supply spectacles within voucher values. The increases in voucher values since 1987, in both cash and real terms, are given in the table.
authorities should consider the exercise of investigative powers under section 47 of the Children Act 1989. In addition, the Department is currently funding the production of a training video and accompanying guidance booklet for professionals on female genital mutilation. The Department provides grant aid to the main voluntary organisation working in this area to assist it in its very valuable work of education, publicity and counselling.