To ask the Prime Minister (1) if he will arrange for the common core memorandum on departmental annual reports issued by Her Majesty's Treasury in July to be further revised to include in section D research and development undertaken by or sponsored by the Department;(2) if he will make it the practice for all departmental annual reports to include as part of their common core information a statement of research and development activity sponsored by or undertaken by the Department.
All departments with significant levels of spending on research and development already include relevant material in their departmental annual reports. Past and planned spending by departments on research and development was set out in table 4.13 of the "Statistical Supplement to the 1990 Autumn Statement", Cm. 1520. Up-to-date information will be published early next year in the "Statistical Supplement to the 1991 Autumn Statement". Extensive additional information is published by the Cabinet Office in the annual review of Government-funded research and development. The requirements for the 1993 departmental reports will be reviewed in the light of comments on the 1992 reports from Select Committees and others.