To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether he will publish the effect of EC membership to date on the United Kingdom balance of payments in terms of 1990 prices and on the United Kingdom rate of economic growth forecast by Her Majesty's Treasury in Cmnd. 4289 together with (a) the actual average per capita rate of growth from 1973 to 1990 and comparable data for the decade ending in 1973 and (b) the average non-oil balance of payments surplus or deficit with the EEC Six and with other countries in each period in terms of 1990 prices; and if he will make a statement.
It is not possible to produce reliable estimates of the effects of EC membership on the United Kingdom balance of payments or on the rate of economic growth. Data requested on the growth of GDP per capita can be derived from statistics published by the Central Statistical Office in "Economic Trends Annual Supplement", 1990 edition, and on trade balances with the EC Six and other countries from the CSO's "Monthly Review of External Trade Statistics Annual Supplement 1991".