To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer (1) if he will list the unfunded maintenance backlog liability on public sector capital assets by member state of the EC and the effect such unfunding has on the calculation of each member state's Government debt as set out in the draft treaty on economic and monetary union;(2) if he will list the unfunded nuclear reactor decommissioning liability by member state of the EC and the effect such unfunding has on the calculation of each member state's Government debt as set out in the draft treaty on economic and monetary union;(3) if he will list the notionally funded and unfunded public sector employees pensions liability by member states of the EC and the effect such unfunding has on the calculation of each member state's Government debt as set out in the draft treaty on economic and monetary union.
Standard definitions of Government debt measure the cumulative liability incurred on past borrowing, which accords with the common usage of the term "debt". They do not include any measure of unfunded liabilities. The requested data on unfunded liabilities are not readily available.