To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment if he will now issue revised policy guidance to local planning authorities about effective enforcement action against unauthorised development, in accordance with the Planning and Compensation Act 1991.
We have carefully considered the comments of all the organisations who were consulted about the draft planning policy guidance note I announced on 24 July, Official Report, column 667. PPG 18, entitled "Enforcing Planning Control", is being issued today. The new guidance emphasises that the Government do not condone any wilful breach of planning control; and they encourage vigorous enforcement action where unauthorised development is plainly unacceptable and immediate remedial action is required. The guidance also suggests what factors planning authorities should normally take into account when they are considering whether enforcement action is expedient for small businesses or self-employed people.The main enforcement provisions in part I of the Planning and Compensation Act 1991 are being brought into force on 2 January 1992. A Department of the Environment and Welsh Office circular, which is also being published today, gives procedural guidance to planning authorities about the new provisions.During parliamentary debates on the Planning and Compensation Bill earlier this year serious concern was expressed about the weakness of the present enforcement provisions. The strengthened and improved regime, now being brought into force, should enable every planning authority to take quick and effective enforcement action whenever it is justified.