To ask the Secretary of State for Employment how many of the factory inspectors responsible for the inspecting chemical works do not have degrees in chemistry or chemical engineering.
There are currently 56 factory inspectors responsible for the inspection of chemical plants who do not have degrees in chemistry or chemical engineering. Inspection assignments for factory inspectors are not made solely on specialist technical qualifications; detailed technical support is available to field inspectors from the Health and Safety Executive's technical specialists.
To ask the Secretary of State for Employment how many of the factory inspectors in the field operations division of the Health and Safety Executive are trainees.
On 1 December 1991, a total of 182 factory inspectors in the field operations division of the Health and Safety Executive were trainee inspectors.
To ask the Secretary of State for Employment how many factories registered with the factories inspectorate have not received a basic inspection for three, five, seven, nine and 11 years; and what were the figures two years ago.
I refer the hon. Member to my reply of 29 January 1991, Official Report, columns 782–83. To update this information would incur disproportionate cost.