To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security what improvements he plans to make in benefits for disabled people.
From April next year we are intrducing two new benefits for disabled people. Disability living allowance which will bring extra cash help of at least £11·55 per week to around 300,000 people with the extra costs of their disability; and disability working allowance which will give help for the first time to up to 50,000 disabled people who wish to work, but have a limited earning capacity, by topping up their earnings. As well as these significant improvements we are also making other changes to benefits for disabled people: the residence conditions for severe disablement allowance will be aligned with those for attendance allowance and disability living allowance, making it easier for people coming to or returning to this country to qualify; families with children under 16 who will receive disability living allowance for care costs will, if the child has to go into hospital, keep that help for up to 12 weeks instead of four as under attendance allowance currently; and the earnings limit for invalid care allowance will be increased from £30 to £40.