To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what has been the cost to the United Kingdom of radioactive decontamination and rehabilitation of the sites where the United Kingdom has tested nuclear weapons, or conducted weapons-related tests, at (a) Christmas island, (b) Monte Bello island, (c) Maralinga, (d) Emu field, (e) Potton island and (f) Nevada nuclear test site; and what is his estimate of the further costs that will be needed to complete the environmental restoration of these sites.
The cost to the United Kingdom of decontamination and site restoration of the former United Kingdom atmospheric nuclear weapon test sites following completion of the programme in the 1960s could be provided only at disproportionate cost.No further costs are anticipated in respect of either Christmas island or the Monte Bello islands.The Australian Government are currently seeking a contribution from the United Kingdom for additional work at Maralinga and Emu field, but the United Kingdom view is that the 1968 and 1979 agreements absolve the United Kingdom from any liability to contribute.There have been no firings involving radioactive materials at Potton island.No costs have been incurred for rehabilitation of the Nevada test site and the future management of the site is a matter wholly for the United States.