To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, further to his answer of 15 November, Official Report, column 703, what is his estimate of the cost of cancelling (a)the entire Trident submarine programme, (b) the building projects at Coulport and Faslane, under the liquidated damages clauses in the contracts, if such cancellations took place (1) on January 1992, (2) on 1 April 1992, (3) on 1 July 1992, (4) on I October 1992, or (5) on I January 1993.
As I advised the hon. Member on 15 November at column 703, cancellation costs would be based on an assessment of contractors' properly incurred liabilities at the time of cancellation. Such liabilities would need to be negotiated at that time with the companies concerned. It would not be sensible, therefore, to speculate on what these might he, especially as it is not this Government's policy to cancel the Trident programme.