To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment how much has been spent or allocated to research projects undertaken by his Department on the status and conservation of small cetaceans for 1990–91, 1991–92 and 1992–93.
The Department has allocated funds as follows:
Year | £ |
1990–91 | 111,869 |
1991–92 | 43,840 |
1992–93 | 61,896 |
To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment if he will list the research projects undertaken by his Department on the status and conservation of small cetaceans and specify in each case the amount allocated, the duration of the project, and the body or institution conducting that work.
Last year this Department, as part of its programme of North sea research, initiated three extra-mural projects in this area: a one-year study on contaminants in small cetaceans in England and Wales, to be carried out by the sea mammal research unit of the Natural Environment Research Council at a total cost of £58,626; a small cetaceans sighting and monitoring scheme, undertaken by the United Kingdom Mammal Society Cetacean Group for two years at a total cost of £24,000; and the three-year appointment of a veterinary pathologist at the Institute of Zoology to co-ordinate the investigation of marine mammal strandings in England and Wales, at a total cost of £86,000. A number of other bodies are involved in these contracts or are contributing practical assistance, including the Natural History museum and the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food.In addition, we expect in the near future to complete arrangements for the appointment of a parallel co-ordinator, to investigate strandings in Scotland.
To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment what work has been undertaken by his Department to investigate the level of contaminants in small cetacean carcases retrieved in the United Kingdom; what budget has been allocated to this work for each of the years 1990, 1991 and 1992; and which body or institution is conducting the work.
The sea mammal research unit of the Natural Environment Research Council was commissioned last year by this Department to carry out a programme of contaminant analysis on cetaceans found stranded around our shores in 1990 and 1991. A total of £58,680 was allocated to this work in the 1990–91 financial year.