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Works Of Art (Exports)

Volume 202: debated on Tuesday 21 January 1992

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To ask the Minister for the Arts if he will list the items for which the issuing of export licences was withheld on the recommendation of the reviewing committee on the export of works of art during the half-year ended 31 December 1991, specifying in each case the valuation and whether an item was eventually exported

Description of itemValuation £outcome
The Bromley Davenport Altarpiece, by Taddeo Gaddi2,011,500.00Export licence granted
A documentary urbino dish of Cardinal's hat form189,975.00Export licence granted
A drawing, 'A wooded landscape with low hills: a view of the Tiber',by Nicholas Poussin156,450.00Purchased jointly by the Ashmolean and Fitzwilliam museums
A drawing, 'A wooded landscape with a River God gathering fruit', by Nicholas Poussin134, 100.00Decision deferred until after 15 March 1992
A drawing, 'St. George and the Dragon', by Francesco Di Rossi il Salviati104,97500Decision deferred until after 15 March 1992
A drawing, 'The head of the Oriental in profile to the left', by Giovanni Benedetto Castiglione201,15000Decision deferred until after 15 March 1992
A drawing, 'The head of a women looking up', by Guido Reni145,27500Decision deferred until after 15 March 1992
A drawing, 'A reclining nude women lifting a curtain',' by Giovanni Francesco Barbieri il Guercino106,162–50Decision deferred until after 15 March 1992
A drawing, 'A wooded upland landscape with figures outside the gate of a castle', by Giovanni Francesco Barbieri il Guercino61,462–25Decision deferred until after 15 March 1992
A drawing, 'Saint Ivo intervening on behalf of the poor, Christ with Saint Jerome and three saints above', by Pietro Berrettini da Cortona72,637–50Decision deferred until after 15 March 1992
A drawing, 'A wooded river landscape with fishermen in a boat', by Pietro Berrettini da Cortona72,637–50Export licence refused
A drawing, 'A wooded rover landscape with cascades and three men dragging a net', by Pietro Berrettini da Cortona268,200.00Decision deferred until after 15 March 1992
A drawing, 'The Sacrifice of Isaac' by Giovanni Battista Gaulli il Baciccio111,750.00Decision deferred until after 15 March 1992
A drawing, 'Two women and a baby with a cat', by Francessco Vanni78,225.00Decision deferred until after 15 March 1992
A drawing, 'An allegory of the labours of Hercules', by Ciro Fern35,760.00Purchased by the Fitzwilliam Museum
A drawing, 'Design for a tomb slab of Cardinal Carlo Emanuele Pio Da Carpi', by Gian Lorenzo Bermini40,230.00Decision deferred until after 15 March 1992
A drawing, 'A philosopher pointing to the ground, a youth beside him', by Salvatore Rosa50,287–50Decision deferred until after 15 March 1992
A drawing, 'The head of a young boy looking up to the left', by Jan Cossiers44,700.00Decision deferred until after 15 March 1992
A drawing, 'The adoration of the shepherds', by Jusepe de Ribera83,812–50Decision deferred until after 15 March 1992
A drawing, 'A squirrel', by Giovanni da Udine85,000–00Decision deferred until after 15 March 1992
An inlaid bronze pyxis33,525–00Purchased by the British Museum Society
The Clarence Book of Hours510,000.00Export licence granted
A French 19th Century silvered and bronze mirror, 1867, by Barbedienne110,00000Decision deferred until after 16 April 1992
A portrait of Pope Clement VII by Sebastiano del Piombo6,314,581–00Decision deferred until after 16 February 1992
The 'Middleham Ring'45,980–00Decision deferred until after 16 April 1992
Two paintings of the allegorical tombs of Cadogan and Godolphin by Francesco Monti, Pietro Paltronieri and Nunzio Ferraiuoli450,000.00Decision deferred until after 16 February 1992
or retained, with particulars in the latter event of the acquiring institution; if he will list any items for which licences have been withheld but the final disposal of which is not yet decided, specifying in each case (a) the valuation and (b) the relevant time limit; and whether a press notice will be issued from the Office of Arts and Libraries covering the information given in his reply, including that relating to the outcome in individual cases.

The information is as follows:

Description of itemValuation £outcome
A George III silver-gilt dinner service, designed by Robert Adam251,445.00Decision deferred until after 16 April 1992