To ask the Secretary of State for Employment what discussions he has had with the trades union representatives of the emergency services regarding implementation of the EC Euratom directive 89/618; and if he will make a statement.
The Health and Safety Commission considered and approved for publication a consultative document (CD37) containing proposals for regulations to implement the directive. The document was published on 28 November 1991 and a copy is held in the Library.
Copies of the consultative document have been sent to a wide range of interested parties including the Trades Union Congress, local authority associations, employer organisations and organisations representing workers in the emergency services to gain their views on the proposals.
To ask the Secretary of State for Employment if he will list the areas which will receive information under the provisions of the EC Euratom directive 89/618.
The Health and Safety Commission (HSC) is currently conducting public consultation on proposals to implement European Council directive 89/618/ Euratom. A copy of this consultative document (CD37) is in the Library. It is not yet possible to list the areas which will receive information as it may be necessary to amend the proposals in the light of the results of consultation within the United Kingdom and with the Commission of the European Communities.Under the HSC's current proposals a duty will be placed on every employer to assess whether he is carrying on work from which a radiation emergency—as defined by the directive—is reasonably foreseeable. Where a radiation emergency is reasonably foreseeable, it is for the Health and Safety Executive to determine the area within which the employers must distribute the required information.
To ask the Secretary of State for Employment what steps he has taken and intends to take to implement the provisions of the EC Euratom directive 89/618 as regards transport of nuclear material; and if he will make a statement.
I refer the hon. Gentleman to my answer given in reply to the hon. Member for Knowsley, South (Mr. O'Hara) January 1992, Official Report column 457, as the implementation proposals put forward by the Health and Safety Commission cover this area of activity.