To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Science (1) if he will state the total number of individual applications he received for his technology schools initiative, the number successful and unsuccessful, and of the latter the number he regarded as being of a satisfactory standard and the additional cost to his allocated £25 million of agreeing to those applications, together with the criteria he adopted to distinguish the categories of application referred to in the ministerial speech made at Shenley Wood school on 14 February;(2) on what date and in what manner he informed all local education authorities of his schools technology initiative; what criteria he laid down for applications; what maximum costs in capital and revenue were indicated; arid what account was taken of existing provision in maintained schools in the authorities containing successful applicants;(3) if he will state the number of local education authorities making applications in respect of the technology schools initiative together with the number of authorities gaining all, some, or none of their applications, respectively, and the names of those authorities whose applications were satisfactory but unsuccessful.
On 5 December 1991 chief education officers of local education authorities (LEAs) in England were invited in writing to submit up to two projects for funding under the technology schools initiative (TSI). The letter explained that proposals were to be normally for projects in the region of £250,000, although consideration would exceptionally be given to projects costing up to a maximum of £500,000. Priority would be given to bids from schools committed to making good technology provision whatever their existing level of resources. Amongst the factors stated which would be taken into account in assessing bids were: