To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, if he proposes to make any further changes in his Department's diplomatic wing cash limits for 1991–92.
Subject to parliamentary approval of a late spring supplementary estimate, the cash limit for class II, vote 2ߞother external relationsߞwill increase by £105,857,000 from £193,370,000 to £299,227,000. This to take account of a further contribution to the United Nations Advance Mission in CambodiaߞUNAMICߞan initial contribution towards the United Nations Transitional Authority in CambodiaߞUNTACߞand the agreement of the transfer of gold to the Baltic states. This increase is partly offset by a reduction in the cash limit for class II, vote 1 of £4,000,000 from £637,285,000 to £633,285,000. The running costs limit on vote 1 will be decreased by £2,600,000 from £478,460,000 to £475,860,000. The remainder will be charged to the Reserve and will not therefore add to the planned total of public expenditure.